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[CAD] CSharpeAutoCADAndApplication

本书以实例形式介绍采用Visual C#语言对AutoCAD进行二次开发的技术。全书包括基础篇和应用篇两部分,其中基础篇主要介绍AutoCAD开发中常见的图形对象获取、图形绘制、图形编辑等实例,应用篇主要结合实际工程问题、基于数学理论知识、采用程序设计来解决这些问题.
This book introduced in the form of examples of using Visual C# language for AutoCAD secondary development of technology. The book is in two parts, including the basis of papers and application papers which Basics introduces common graphic objects for AutoCAD development, graphics rendering, graphics editor instance, the application of major combination of practical engineering problems, based on the mathematical theory of knowledge, the use of program design to solve these problems. (2013-05-20, C#, 17945KB, 下载50次)
