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[其他书籍] CSSFilter2.0_DOC_CN

CSS filter (filter) fully explain, simple examples of source effectiveness analysis, to help quickly grasp the filter. Can drag the zoom with JQuery pop-up layer effects source (2011-11-24, CHM, 370KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] DiyupLan

家庭网络的规划与建设 最新组网四大教程
Home network planning and network building four new tutorials (2010-10-14, CHM, 4497KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] CVS_handbook_cn.chm

CVS 中文使用手册 详细介绍CVS的各种应用 命令等
CVS CVS Chinese user manual details the various applications and orders (2010-09-17, CHM, 672KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] net1000

YiDianTong LAN of networking, network, and network 1000 asked (2010-02-09, CHM, 779KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] Increasespeed

提高网速,如果你不想动手,那么直接导入注册表即可,注:XP 下测试通过。可以先试着下载同一个文件,然后,导入,重启后再测试下载同一个文件。
Improve the speed, if you do not want hands-on, then you can directly import the registry, note: XP under test. Can first try to download the same file, and then import, restart and then test the same file. (2009-12-23, CHM, 5KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] GSM

《网规网优案例集锦V1.0》是近两年来工程师网规网优经验的总结,有些甚至是现场工作中的教训。通过学习本案例集锦,有助于提高工程师现场处理问题的能力,增加网规网优知识和经验,也可以使工程师避免犯同样的错误! 《网规网优案例集锦V1.0》将全文共168篇案例划分成15个专题:仪器使用、数据配置和动态设定、覆盖、拥塞、话务均衡、干扰、掉话、切换、手机上网和呼叫、寻呼和指配、话音质量、信号波动、用户不在服务区、GPRS、其它,方便工程师查阅和借鉴! 无线网络规划技术支持组 2002年6月
"Net Regulation Network Optimization Case Collection V1.0" the past two years, network engineers, network optimization and experience in regulation, and some even on-site work in lessons. Through the study of this case highlights to help improve the engineer on-site problem solving skills, increase net regulatory network optimization knowledge and experience, also allows engineers to avoid the same mistakes! "Net Regulation Network Optimization Case Collection V1.0" A total of 168 cases of full-text is divided into 15 topics: instrumentation, data configuration and dynamic settings, coverage, congestion, traffic balance, interference, dropped calls, switching, mobile Internet access and call, paging, and assignment, voice quality, signal fluctuation, the user is not in service area, GPRS, Other, to facilitate engineers to access and learn from! (2009-12-09, CHM, 1590KB, 下载30次)


[其他书籍] RobinLiwarsinguigu

 李彦宏   本书描绘了1994年以来在硅谷这个世界闻名的美国高科技产业区,几家著名大企业(微软、网景、太阳、圣言、美国在线……)间展开的商业竞争。这里有围绕浏览器的明争暗斗;有网景从创业到被兼并的风风雨雨;有Java的异军突起;上网服务的你争我夺和美国在线的种种商业手段;有在联邦法院内微软和对手们的唇枪舌战;有比尔·盖茨、巴克斯代尔、曼克尼里等精英人物的精彩表现,最后,作者还向您展示了硅谷的成功之路。.   本书无论对于政策研究者、企业决策者、风险投资家、银行总裁、经理董事,还是对于信息总管、技术开发人员,均为难得的滋补佳肴,乃至于网络新媒体的观潮人或普通平民百姓也是饭后茶余的有趣读物。..   本书采用了章回小说的形式,但并不是小说,而是真实的激烈商战,所涉及的人物都足用的真名。...
Li This book describes in Silicon Valley since 1994, the United States of this world-renowned high-tech industry zone, several well-known big companies (Microsoft, Netscape, Sun, Word, America Online ... ...) between the start of business competition. There is infighting surrounding the browser a Netscape merger from the start to be ups and downs a Java-dark horse Internet services, and the United States to scramble all the online business tools there in the Federal Court and the opponents within the Microsoft The war of words a Bill Gates, Barksdale, Manke Ni-ri and other elite brilliant performance, finally, the author shows you the Silicon Valley success. . This book both for policy researchers, enterprise decision-makers, venture capitalists, bank president, manager, director, or for information mains, technology developers, are rare nourishing food, and even the new Internet media, or ordinary civilians Guanchao people are also meal Chayu interesting reading. .. This bo (2009-10-01, CHM, 255KB, 下载27次)


[其他书籍] HGE_CN

Classic 2D game engine HGE Chinese language reference manual, is a rare data, and now HGE has been open, the game developers a good choice. (2009-09-29, CHM, 216KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] reference.zh-cn

Debian参考手册 大量实例,适合新手参考!!
A large number of instances of Debian reference manual, suitable for novice reference! ! (2009-09-17, CHM, 1758KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] Wsns

无线传感网的英文技术资料 包括基本技术介绍,协议,路由及应用
Wireless Sensor Networks Technology, Protocols, Applications (2009-07-11, CHM, 9155KB, 下载14次)


[其他书籍] Elanguagelesson

A learning E best language tutorials, detailed and beginners to see the most suitable. CHM format is to facilitate the watch. Another MFC from entry to the master of the CHM format, and some friends, please contact E-mail: vbkyweb @ yahoo. com.cn to thank (2009-01-10, CHM, 1354KB, 下载3次)



Network project on the lower end of a typical switch configuration examples! For the network would like to claim the credit in this respect scholars, was a good learning materials (2008-12-23, CHM, 6818KB, 下载4次)



On the network works in a typical low-end routers in the configuration examples! Guidance for hands-on experience is very helpful! (2008-12-23, CHM, 3937KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] effectiveC++_cn

we thank lostmouse hematemesis for us such a good C works. hope that we will support him and hope that he can continue to bring us more and better articles. (2007-06-13, CHM, 249KB, 下载29次)


[其他书籍] Glossary

on various software and hardware equipment, terminology, the term explained in detail, including the unit, digital, host accessories, wireless networks, etc. (2006-03-23, CHM, 1187KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] 防火墙中配置FTP一些经验

firewall configuration FTP some experience, router set to virtual server, as can external networks FTP server (2005-07-12, CHM, 1KB, 下载9次)
