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按分类查找All Windows编程(20) 
按平台查找All matlab(20) 

[Windows编程] GRACE_MATLAB

It is used to read grace spherical harmonic coefficients and convert them into grid form, including coefficient replacement and filtering preprocessing. (2021-01-14, matlab, 12KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 好例子网_人工势场结合FUZZY

Path planning with artificial potential field algorithm and fuzzy control algorithm (2020-03-02, matlab, 4KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] 移动节点定位

Positioning error analysis of mobile node in underwater acoustic communication network (2019-10-22, matlab, 1KB, 下载17次)


[Windows编程] DDKC

Indirect adjustment of wire mesh (2019-05-24, matlab, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] GWO

The algorithm has detailed annotations and is mainly used to solve optimal values for different functions. (2019-03-08, matlab, 20684KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] mytest_tw

EMD Program and Its Examples (2019-01-25, matlab, 1KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] echo_signal_sim_ring_scanning_origin

Ultrasound tomography (2018-04-21, matlab, 13866KB, 下载19次)


[Windows编程] fvcom_postproc

FVCOM post processor, which can be visualized after extracting data from MATLAB (2017-12-11, matlab, 29KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] oortsqrializeheap

隶属函数型神经网与模糊控制融合的解耦程序 不错的源码
Membership function model of neural network with fuzzy control decoupling program source code (2017-05-20, matlab, 8KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] ljhbti

Tree network power program, MATLAB code, with 1998 literature (2017-05-18, matlab, 968KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] nodecode

Tree network power program, MATLAB code, with 1998 literature (2017-05-12, matlab, 965KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] Example5_7

本程序用于计算误差理论与测量平差基础,武汉大学测绘学院与测量平差教学组编著的教材 S5-4条件平差公式汇编和水准网平差示例中例5-7的计算P90
m file of matlab for exercise in Survey Adjustment (2015-06-13, matlab, 1KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] Disuanfazhongjieban

Basic theory of communications network courses homework, find the shortest path using D algorithm. (2015-04-27, matlab, 1KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] PN_trans_prob

Solution of state transition probability at any time in Petri net (2015-04-21, matlab, 1KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] telecom

Which contains a common topic and C branch network operators when the telecommunications market written, everyone is looking for a job a good helper (2014-05-06, matlab, 108KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] ModelEvaluatTargetLocatPrec

以地基分布式有源雷达组网系统为讨论对象,在具体分析了4种系统定位误差的相互关系的基础上,给出了一种 基于ECEF转换法的系统目标综合定位精度评估模型,并利用典型的雷达参数,对2D与3D混合的雷达组网系统的实际目标 综合定位精度进行了仿真和对比分析,得到了一些对雷达组网系统的实际部署优化处理有参考价值的结论。
The land-based distributed active radar network system is taken as discussion object.On the basis of the concrete analysis of the interrelation among four sorts of locating errors, a model of evaluating the integrated system locating precision is put forward. By using the typical radar parameters, the simulation a of the actual integrated locating precision of 2D/3D hybrid radar network systems are done. Conclusions that are helpful for optimization of radar network disposition are obtained. (2014-01-04, matlab, 73KB, 下载20次)


[Windows编程] colourhistogram

Colourhistogram II. TEXTURE FEATURE EXTRACTION IN CBIR An overview of the proposed CBIR system is illustrated in Fig. 1. The proposed algorithm, Label Wavelet Transform (LWT), is based on color image segmentation [1], and it is an extension of DWT-based texture feature extraction method. The 2-D DWT is computed by applying separable filter banks to the gray level images. The detail images Dn,1, Dn,2, and Dn,3 are obtained by band-pass filtering in a specific direction, and they can be categorized into three frequency bands: HL, LH, HH band, respectively. Each band contains different directional information at scale n. The texture feature is extracted from the variance (ó2 n,i) of the coefficients cn,i of the detail image Dn,1, Dn,2, and Dn,3 at different scale n.To represent the texture feature of an image q, the texture feature vector of DWT is defined as [2]: TDWT (q) = [ó2 1,1, ó2 1,2, ó2 1,3, ..., ó2N max,3], (1) where Nmax denotes the largest scale. In this work, Nmax
Colourhistogram II. TEXTURE FEATURE EXTRACTION IN CBIR An overview of the proposed CBIR system is illustrated in Fig. 1. The proposed algorithm, Label Wavelet Transform (LWT), is based on color image segmentation [1], and it is an extension of DWT-based texture feature extraction method. The 2-D DWT is computed by applying separable filter banks to the gray level images. The detail images Dn,1, Dn,2, and Dn,3 are obtained by band-pass filtering in a specific direction, and they can be categorized into three frequency bands: HL, LH, HH band, respectively. Each band contains different directional information at scale n. The texture feature is extracted from the variance (ó2 n,i) of the coefficients cn,i of the detail image Dn,1, Dn,2, and Dn,3 at different scale n.To represent the texture feature of an image q, the texture feature vector of DWT is defined as [2]: TDWT (q) = [ó2 1,1, ó2 1,2, ó2 1,3, ..., ó2N max,3], (1) where Nmax denotes the largest scale. In this work, Nmax (2013-11-19, matlab, 1KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] elasticnet_1.0-5

弹性网和Lasso的代码 用来变量选择的好工具
Lasso code (2009-09-20, matlab, 251KB, 下载172次)


[Windows编程] mmplay

matlab read the video source, from the official website, the practical available, rest assured Download (2008-05-26, matlab, 185KB, 下载53次)


[Windows编程] shensuoyinzi

蜂窝网无线定位的算法程序 加入了伸缩因子,有所创新 自编的程序,chan算法基础上的改编,具有收敛性好。抗NLOS的效果
Wireless cellular network positioning procedure of the algorithm by adding a telescopic factor, self-innovation process, chan algorithm based on the adaptation, with a good convergence. The effect of anti-NLOS (2008-05-14, matlab, 4KB, 下载269次)
