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[系统设计方案] smart-home-network

详细介绍智能家居组网情况 及传感器的应用
Details intelligent home networking situation and sensor applications (2012-12-07, PPT, 52KB, 下载10次)


[系统设计方案] network-war

简述电子战、网络战在信息战中的地位, 深入分析了电子战、网络战在信息战中相关性、独立性, 阐述网 络战与电子战的有机结合即“网电一体战”将成为信息作战的基本形态。
The paper discuss the po sition of the electr onics w ar and net wo rk w ar in the informatio n w ar , analysis the relativ ity and independency of the electr onics w ar and netw or k w ar in the info rma tio n wa r. Expound the integr ation o f t he electr onics war and netw or k war . T he incor po ra te electr onics w ar and t he net wo rks w ar , will become the basic campaig n mo dality of the information w ar. (2012-08-03, PPT, 6274KB, 下载24次)


[系统设计方案] caideng

彩灯课程设计 一、 课程设计目的 现代生活中,彩灯越来越成为人们的装饰品,它不仅能美化环境,渲染气氛,还可用于娱乐场所和电子玩具中,现以该课题为例进行分析与设计。通过本次课程设计要学会将一个实际情况抽象为逻辑电路的逻辑状态的方法,掌握计数、译码、显示综合电路的设计与调试, 掌握实际输出电路不同要求的实现方法
Lights course design A, course design purpose In modern life, lights, has become a more and more people adornment, it can not only beautify the environment, rendering the atmosphere, and also can be used for entertainment and electronic toys, now with the subject as the example analysis and design. Through this course design should learn to a practical situation for abstract logic circuit of the logical state of method, grasps the counting, decoding, show the design of integrated circuit and debugging, Master the output circuit different requirements method (2011-12-11, PPT, 21KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] ARP

本课件详细介绍了以太网以及ARP防火墙的基本概念以及如何设置防火墙才能增强我们电脑的安全性。 对有电脑的人来说是很不错的教程。
The courseware, as well as detailed information on Ethernet ARP firewall, as well as the basic concept of how to set up a firewall in order to enhance our computer security. On the computer is a very good tutorial. (2009-06-03, PPT, 1565KB, 下载5次)


[系统设计方案] GPRSoptimizeHW

华为GPRS网优方案 华为内部培训资料,主要描述GPRS网络现场的一些网优方法
Huawei Huawei GPRS Network Optimization program of internal training materials, the main description of the scene of some of GPRS network Ways Network Optimization (2009-02-22, PPT, 197KB, 下载5次)
