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[控制台编程] a-behavioral-netlist

Creating a program capable of calculation the critical path for a logic circuit specified by a behavioral netlist file given a technology library file. (2017-05-02, Visual C++, 21KB, 下载1次)


[控制台编程] Ethernet-frame

开发一个以太网帧解析程序,实现以下功能:解析已封装好的Ethernet V2.0帧封装文件(见附件),判断有多少个帧,每个帧的所有字段内容,检测CRC校验是否正确。
Develop an Ethernet frame analysis program, to achieve the following functions: parsing the encapsulated Ethernet V2.0 frame encapsulation document (see annex), to determine the number of frames, each frame of the contents of all fields to detect CRC checksum is correct. (2013-10-30, Visual C++, 273KB, 下载18次)


[控制台编程] B06040324_B2

模拟电信计费系统的设计与实现 要求:(1) 计费功能。根据存放在源数据文件中的通话记录和长途费率文件对每一条通话记录计算其通话费用,并将结果保存在费用文件中。其中: 通话费的计算方法如下: 通话费=长途电话费+本地电话费 长途电话费=费率(元/分钟)×通话时长(分钟) (通话时长不满1分钟的按1分钟计算) 本地电话费为:3分钟以内0.5元,以后每3分钟递增0.2元。 (2) 话费查询。输入一个电话号码,从费用文件中统计该电话号码的所有本地话费、长途话费,并从用户文件中查找其用户名,最后在屏幕上显示: 用户名 电话号码 本地话费 长途话费 话费总计 (3) 话单查询。输入一个电话号码,查询并在屏幕显示该用户的所有通话记录,格式为: 用户名 主叫电话号码 被叫电话号码 通话时长
Design and implementation of simulation of telecommunication billing system Requirements: (1) the charging function. According to the calculation of the call charges stored in the source data file in the call records and the long rate documents for each call record, and save the results in cost file. Among them: The following conversation method to calculate the fee: Long distance telephone calls =+ local telephone fee Long distance telephone fee = rate (yuan/minute)* call time (minutes) (call time less than 1 minutes to 1 minutes) Local call: 3 minutes 0.5 yuan, increasing 0.2 yuan every 3 minutes later. (2) calls inquiries. Enter a phone number, all local calls, long-distance calls statistics the phone number from the cost in the file, and find the user name from user file, and finally displayed on the screen: The user name phone number local calls long distance charges charges totaling (3) if a single query. Enter a phone number, query and display all the call records of th (2013-09-25, Visual C++, 277KB, 下载10次)


[控制台编程] carparking-managment-system

The program is based on the operation of parking management console system to run automatically recorded into the parking lot entrance road exit road, and record various vehicles remain in the parking lot of time and information, the program also provides historical information query function (2013-03-13, Visual C++, 941KB, 下载3次)


[控制台编程] Set_Ip

Use only one key to modify the IP, subnet mask, gateway, open the program, fill in the IP you want to modify and run the program, you can modify the IP. Helpful for programmers who need to frequently modify their own host IP. (2012-07-31, Visual C++, 1566KB, 下载42次)


[控制台编程] my_hadai

computer guess a number from 1 to 100
computer guess a number from 1 to 100 (2011-04-18, Visual C++, 4696KB, 下载2次)


[控制台编程] juhe

aggregate formation of com (2010-12-24, Visual C++, 2529KB, 下载2次)


[控制台编程] LOCK

一个可以锁屏幕的小程序,类似网吧的挂机锁。 1.本系统界面友好,容易操作。 2.本系统用于挂机,可以用于网吧游戏挂机锁住屏幕。 3.本系统能显示开始挂机时间和挂机所用时间。 4.本系统最大的特点是可以用屏幕键盘输入密码和隐藏窗口(类似QQ)。 5.本系统是通过修改注册表来禁止任务管理器的,不过系统退出会还原注册表。 下一版本改为远程注入来禁止任务管理器。 6.本系统还禁止了系统热键,任务条,开始键等。 7.本系统使用了不少技巧,其中参考了不少人的代码,这里不一一致谢,如有 问题,或者你有什么意见或建议,
A small program you can lock the screen, similar to Internet cafes to hang the lock. 1. The system interface is friendly, easy to operate. 2. This system is used to hang up, can be used to lock the screen to hang up the game cafes. 3. The system can display the time and began to hang hang time spent. 4. The greatest feature of this system can be used on-screen keyboard to enter a password, and hide the window (similar to the QQ). 5. This system is by modifying the registry to disable the Task Manager, but the system will restore the registry to withdraw. Changed into the next version of Remote Task Manager to prohibit. 6. The system also prohibits the system hotkeys, task bar, start button and so on. 7. The system uses a number of techniques, including reference to the code a lot of people here are not 11 thanks, if Problem, or do you have any comments or suggestions, (2009-12-23, Visual C++, 6391KB, 下载92次)


[控制台编程] sport

参加运动会有n个学校,学校编号为1……n。比赛分成m个男子项目,和w个女子项目。项目编号为男子1……m,女子m+1……m+w。不同的项目取前五名或前三名积分;取前五名的积分分别为:7、5、3、2、1,前三名的积分分别为:5、3、2;哪些取前五名或前三名由学生自己设定。(m<=20,n<=20) 功能要求: 1) 可以输入各个项目的前三名或前五名的成绩; 2) 能统计各学校总分, 3) 可以按学校编号或名称、学校总分、男女团体总分排序输出; 4) 可以按学校编号查询学校某个项目的情况;可以按项目编号查询取得前三或前五名的学校。 5) 数据存入文件并能随时查询 6) 规定:输入数据形式和范围:可以输入学校的名称,运动项目的名称 输出形式:有中文提示,各学校分数为整形 界面要求:有合理的提示,每个功能可以设立菜单,根据提示,可以完成相关的功能要求。 存储结构:学生自己根据系统功能要求自己设计,但是要求运动会的相关数据要存储在数据文件中。(数据文件的数据读写方法等相关内容在c语言程序设计的书上,请自学解决)请在最后的上交资料中指明你用到的存储结构;
* Internet Explorer 6.0 中文版(WIN98,WINME,WIN2000,WINXP) \Tools\IE6_cn * Internet Explorer 5.5 sp2 中文版(WIN9X) \Tools\IE5.5_sp2_cn * Flash Player 6.0 \Tools\FlashPlayer6.exe * Windows Media Player 6.4 中文版 (WIN9X,WINNT) \Tools\WMP6.4_cn.exe * Windows Media Player 7.1 中文版 (WIN2000,WINXP) \Tools\WMP7.1_cn.exe (2009-05-22, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载8次)


[控制台编程] computetime

Happy farming network, the time for each vegetable has, the program can calculate the cooking time to close to prevent others to steal food. (2009-04-29, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载8次)


[控制台编程] HOPFIELD1

code demonstration of the artificial neural network hopfield network operating mechanism. (2006-04-01, Visual C++, 181KB, 下载9次)
