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[SQL Server] 3Gwangluozhifangzhanwangguanxitong

The code for the 3 g repeater station network management system programming code, suitable for writing software, can be used for graduation design also can be applied directly to the software compilation (2017-04-23, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] 102

SQL programmer,MYSQL, (2015-04-04, Visual C++, 1453KB, 下载6次)



1000 YEAR SERVER AND SQL FILES (2014-07-20, Visual C++, 3541KB, 下载27次)


[SQL Server] 567

天气网的天气城市是代码,citycode.txt里是代码,为了方便访问,再初始化事,会把代码插入一个sqlite数据库中、、 数据库文件和代码的txt在citycode压缩包里。放到与程序一个目录即可
Weather Network weather city is the code, citycode.txt in the code, in order to facilitate access to, and then initialize it, put code into an sqlite database, database files and code txt in citycode compression bag. You can put the program in a directory (2013-12-11, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] PostgreSQL_8.2.3_cn

PostgreSQL_8.2.3_cn.chm 非常好的中文帮助,一定要下来看,一同学习提高吧
Very good Chinese help PostgreSQL_8.2.3_cn.chm must view with learning to improve (2012-11-25, Visual C++, 2500KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] 127

绩效考核系统2.0,用于员工绩效考核个页面功能相对完善,界面漂亮的OA办公自动化系统,采用面向对象模式开发 主要功能模块有: 个人考勤:上下班登记 外出登记 请假登记 出差登记 我的考勤记录 外出记录 请假记录 出差记录 工作计划:我的计划 计划管理 日程管理 新建安排 查看安排 通讯录: 联系人维护 员工通讯录 我的分组 增加联系人 内部邮件:发邮件 发件箱 收件箱 草稿箱 投诉意见:投诉意见 个人资料:密码修改 个人资料修改 记事本:查看记事本 新建内容 新闻: 新闻列表 我的会议:会议列表 管理选项有:我的办公桌 公文流转 信息交流 共享硬盘 文件管理 会议管理 办公用品管理 人事管理 系统管理 娱乐工具
Performance appraisal system (2010-12-09, Visual C++, 3347KB, 下载67次)


[SQL Server] Timechargesystem

此台球厅计时收费系统是用vc++6.0和SQL SERVER 2000数据库,采用注册表技术,可以脱机执行功能,绝对适合用应与现实中的娱乐场所,功能强大。登陆密码111,不需要用户名
Office of the billiard system is a time to use vc++6.0 and SQL SERVER 2000 database, using registry technology to implement offline functionality, should be suitable for the absolute reality of the entertainment and powerful. 111 password, no user name (2009-07-20, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载55次)


[SQL Server] refman-5.1-zh.html-chapter

mysql references, it is the 5.1 version
mysql references, it is the 5.1 version (2009-03-20, Visual C++, 2508KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] Hotel_MIS

Most hotels provide a wide range of services, the size varies, but a bit of the size of the hotel will contain the following three categories of services: catering, accommodation and entertainment. The hotel industry because we do not have a specific contact and substantive understanding. The database design can only be collected in a number of basic materials and personal intuitive understanding, easy to imitate the design of medium-sized hotel management system, and its abstraction into a composition by the three departments to achieve the three major service system (2009-02-19, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] Forum

小型BBS 实现基本的论坛功能论坛风格参照了、CSDN论坛、LB论坛、动网论坛的风格,整个论坛的数据库结构设计一流,所以论坛运行速度一流,功能一流 数据库采用、SQL Server
Small BBS forum for the realization of the basic functions of the Forum style reference, CSDN forum, LB forum动网论坛style, the entire forum database structure design class, so the forum is running the speed-class, functional class using the database, SQL Server (2008-04-22, Visual C++, 122KB, 下载11次)
