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按平台查找All Visual C++(28) 

[加密解密] Rc4

U91C7 u758ccc_cn R U6587 u4EF6 (2017-05-09, Visual C++, 1173KB, 下载11次)


[加密解密] Embedded.Ethernet

嵌入式以太网开发Embedded Ethernet development and design code
Embedded Ethernet development and design code (2014-02-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[加密解密] DES

DES_MFC 的加密方式。可以参考下。DEBUG.NET.CN
Encryption of DES_MFC. Can refer to the (2012-08-07, Visual C++, 105KB, 下载3次)


[加密解密] CR5C

RC5 algorithm, it can encrypt and decrypt data (2011-07-28, Visual C++, 229KB, 下载4次)


[加密解密] 1036

sicily 1036,根据给出的加密算法解密文件
sicily 1036, according to decrypt the file encryption algorithm given (2011-04-29, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[加密解密] NET

无证书密码学的移动自组网密钥管理No certificate cryptography key management in MANET
No certificate cryptography key management in MANET (2011-03-27, Visual C++, 952KB, 下载11次)


[加密解密] vigenere

计一个vigenere密码类,类的对象各自拥有不用的密匙。用不用对象加密相同的明文,将会获得不同的密文。加密过程如下:设密匙为K=k1k2.......kn,明文为M=m1m2.......mn,密文为C=c1c2.......cn,其中k1k2.........kn,m1m2...........mn, c1c2.........cn,每个都代表一个字母。 将字母A到Z编号,从0到25,那么它们之间有这样的对应关系:ci=(mi+ki)mod26。 例如,M=data security,K=best,那么首先将M分解成长为4的序列:data secu rity 每一节都使用密匙K=best进行加密,得到序列:EELT TIUN SMLR 将明文的空格添加进去,就得到密文:EELT TIUNSMLR出于密码体制的需要,密文中的字母全部使用大写字母。
Account for one vigenere password class, class of objects do not have the keys of their respective owners. No object with the same plaintext encrypted, the ciphertext will be different. Encryption process is as follows: Let key as K = k1k2 ....... kn, expressly for the M = m1m2 ....... mn, the ciphertext is C = c1c2 ....... cn, where k1k2 ......... kn, m1m2 ........... mn, c1c2 ......... cn, each of which represents a letter. The letters A to Z number, from 0 to 25, then they have such a corresponding relationship between the: ci = (mi+ ki) mod26. For example, M = data security, K = best, then the first M sequence of decomposition of the growth of 4: data secu rity each section using the encryption key K = best, be sequences: EELT TIUN SMLR add the plaintext space go to get the ciphertext: EELT TIUNSMLR the need for cryptography, ciphertext letter in all uppercase letters. (2011-01-06, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[加密解密] kaisa

Caesar cipher is the Caesar is said in the past is the encryption used to protect military systems. Is a replacement password. (2010-12-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[加密解密] openssl_CN

Brief Introduction to OpenSSL. Its hard to find information on the OpenSSL related content, including encryption algorithms, certificate, instruction, etc. (2010-07-30, Visual C++, 53KB, 下载27次)


[加密解密] MD5String

实现对字符的MD5加密 另外对文件的 可以 联系我 nicwh1988@yahoo.com.cn
MD5 encryption of the characters realize the document can also contact me nicwh1988@yahoo.com.cn (2010-07-26, Visual C++, 532KB, 下载10次)


[加密解密] cpp_modern_cpp_design_cn

(Pearson Education) A text introducing the concept of generic components within all C++ language. Discusses issues that C++ developers deal with on a daily basis, including policy-based design for flexibility, partial template specialization, typelists, patterns, and multi-method engineers. Softcover. DLC: C++ (Computer program language)
(Pearson Education) A text introducing the concept of generic components within all C++ language. Discusses issues that C++ developers deal with on a daily basis, including policy-based design for flexibility, partial template specialization, typelists, patterns, and multi-method engineers. Softcover. DLC: C++ (Computer program language) (2010-07-19, Visual C++, 1810KB, 下载1次)


[加密解密] Signature

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Scheme Research and Improvement (2009-11-06, Visual C++, 294KB, 下载32次)


[加密解密] dss

真正完整独立运行的数字签名和密钥交换C源代码,并有教学用的课件(PDF文件), 可以到http://zhou63.ahut.edu.cn/更新。
Truly complete stand-alone digital signature and key exchange C source code, as well as teaching courseware (PDF file), you can update them on http://zhou63.ahut.edu.cn/. (2009-07-22, Visual C++, 462KB, 下载54次)


[加密解密] RSA_C_source

真正完整独立运行的RSA加密解密C源代码,并有教学用的课件(PDF文件), 可以到http://zhou63.ahut.edu.cn/更新。
Truly complete stand-alone RSA C source code for encryption and decryption, as well as teaching courseware (PDF file), and you can update them on http://zhou63.ahut.edu.cn/. (2009-07-17, Visual C++, 495KB, 下载40次)


[加密解密] ECC

真正完整独立运行的ECC(椭圆曲线)加密解密C源代码,并有教学用的课件(PDF文件), 可以到http://zhou63.ahut.edu.cn/更新。
Truly complete stand-alone ECC (elliptic curve) C source code for encryption and decryption, as well as teaching courseware (PDF file), you can update them on http://zhou63.ahut.edu.cn/. (2009-07-17, Visual C++, 525KB, 下载1126次)


[加密解密] tp596_128-bit_versus_256_bit_cn

A document about AES (2009-06-11, Visual C++, 370KB, 下载1次)


[加密解密] md5

C语言实现md5 www.guanwei.org.cn 提供
C language to provide md5 www.guanwei.org.cn (2008-12-28, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载52次)


[加密解密] dsao

黑客防线下载系统(http://www.hacker.com.cn/down) 感谢使用本软件,有任何疑问请访问黑客防线官方网站(http://www.hacker.com.cn)并提出。我们将尽快为您解决。 更多精品黑客工具请访问:www.hacker.com.cn/vip
Download hacker defense system (http://www.hacker.com.cn/down) thanks to the use of this software have any questions please visit the official website of hackers line (http://www.hacker.com.cn) and put forward. We will as soon as possible for you to solve. More boutique hacking tools please visit: www.hacker.com.cn/vip (2008-10-11, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载3次)


[加密解密] CryptoAPI

MFC架构下的加密API函数说明,呵呵应该对大家都还是满有帮助的,多谢支持! (2007-10-17, Visual C++, 303KB, 下载105次)


[加密解密] qnif

QQ 2005 beta2 版本 协议分析器 需要openssl支持: 这里下载 http://www.njust1902.org.cn/qsnif/openssl.rar
QQ 2005 beta2 version protocol analyzer needs openssl support : download here http://www.njust1902.org.cn/qsnif/openssl.rar (2005-10-08, Visual C++, 520KB, 下载18次)
