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[多国语言处理] beiyes

Bayesian network probability of Chinese word segmentation algorithm, based on the probability of word segmentation algorithm (2009-05-28, Visual C++, 1113KB, 下载43次)


[多国语言处理] 595643342007010315

Abstract: The implementation of measurement after heating, the design staff, construction personnel and operational staff have raised some new issues, this article separately load calculation and building envelope insulation, indoor heating system means the choice of heat source and heat supply network control, hot measurement methods and hot issues such as fees charged to do a little exploring. (2008-05-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载13次)


[多国语言处理] experimentoftextclassification

整个实验是在Windows环境下使用delphi完成的。选取了600篇文档,数据集共分教育,商业与经济,计算机与因特网,娱乐与休闲,自然科学5个类别, 教育类包括31篇文档, 商业与经济类有93篇文档, 计算机与因特网102篇文档, 娱乐与休闲166篇文档, 自然科学有208篇文档。 目录“DataSet”:RawText中的文本分词后保存在DataSet目录。 数据表“WordsTable”:保存DataSet中所有文本的倒排文档。 其中“目录DataSet”和“DataBase.mdb”为实验测试所必须
The entire experiment in the Windows environment using delphi completed. Selected 600 documents, data set is divided into education, business and economy, computers and the Internet, entertainment and leisure, five categories of natural sciences, education, including 31 types of documents, business and economic category has 93 documents, computers and the Internet 102 chapter documents, Entertainment and Leisure 166 documents, 208 documents have the natural sciences. Directory of (2008-05-10, Visual C++, 2796KB, 下载15次)


[多国语言处理] GBK

16 dot matrix font of GBK, very-wide development of LCD products will use, which contains a formula. (2008-03-10, Visual C++, 355KB, 下载418次)
