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[Web服务器] idocdown_v3.1.1

The freezing point of the latest version of the library, there is a need to download it, since you can download free all resources and Baidu Douding network. (2015-04-22, Visual C++, 1909KB, 下载23次)


[Web服务器] DVBBS8.3_AC

动网论坛DVBBS做为目前国内的社区论坛软件服务提供商,依靠其强大的功能、非凡的访问速度和负载能力、友好方便的客户操作界面、优质的客户服务、国内领先的技术和强大而持续的产品研发并保持不断创新的能力,动网所提供的动网社区论坛产品已经占据了国内社区论坛产品使用比例的70 以上。
Dongwangluntan DVBBS as the current domestic community forum software service provider, rely on its strong function, special access speed and load capacity, convenient operation, friendly customer interface quality customer service, leading technology and strong and continuous product research and development and to maintain the capability of continuous innovation, the dynamic network community forum product provided by the network already occupied the proportion of national community forum product use 70 . (2013-09-06, Visual C++, 4778KB, 下载4次)


[Web服务器] HttpServer

The network port initialization DM642 enable HTTP web server function, external EMAC Ethernet port (2012-12-15, Visual C++, 882KB, 下载7次)


[Web服务器] sis

A supply and demand information network of the source code, including code and instructions, very good. (2011-03-07, Visual C++, 2041KB, 下载5次)


[Web服务器] boa

The linux S3C2410 USB web camera under the program, support ov511 and zc301 camera (2010-06-23, Visual C++, 222KB, 下载46次)


[Web服务器] web

web server load balancing program (2009-12-13, Visual C++, 289KB, 下载7次)


[Web服务器] ggkkj

人在旅途精彩网整站程序(asp)_下载 管理员帐号:rzlt2005 密码:admin888 登陆验证码:888888
Renzailvtu wonderful the entire network at stations (asp) _ download Administrator account: rzlt2005 Password: admin888 Login code: 888888 (2009-09-10, Visual C++, 1547KB, 下载5次)


[Web服务器] LeechBlockerSource

IIS 防盗链程序源码,通过控制host和referer来控制访问,还可以导向制定的图片
IIS Anti-navigating to www.sina.com.cn. program source, by controlling the host and to control access referer can also be oriented to develop the picture (2008-07-24, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载26次)


[Web服务器] softhy953a

商品的添加、修改、删除。 ·管理商品的订单及修改订单状态和网友对商品的评论。 ·管理网站前台用户,可进行修改、删除操作。 ·对商品的大小分类进行添加、修改、转移、删除操作(共三级)。 ·对首页公告的添加、删除和更改。 ·管理会员积分及升级。 ·对网站基本信息进行设置。 ·对网站的广告图片进行设置。 ·商品可按竞拍、特价、促销方式方便查询与修改。 ·会员/VIP会员积分升级管理 ·对其它信息设置,包括支付方式、交易条款、送货方式...等。 ·管理合作伙伴。 ·投票管理和供求信息管理。 ·下载程序添加管理 ·支付宝帐号管理。 (2008-06-07, Visual C++, 2517KB, 下载11次)


[Web服务器] BligWebliglMoBlogEnglene

Detailed introduction carvedilol blog network engine will process, with detailed explanatory notes, have a friend in need can be downloaded (2008-05-28, Visual C++, 3189KB, 下载4次)


[Web服务器] relink

MFC IIS防盗链 开发环境 vc++ 7.0(MFC) / windows 2003 sp1 / iis6.1 主要功能: 1 防盗链 2 限制文件下载线程数 3 限制文件下载速度 使用方法: 1 打开Internet 信息服务(IIS)管理器/本地计算机/网站/默认网站/属性/ISAPI筛选器/添加 2 名称随便 文件 选择你解压缩下来的relink.dll 3 重启IIS 4 打开ReLink.ini 具体参数: [settings] url= 允许外部链接的网站地址 以"|"号分开 如"xfrog.cn|webtm.cn" extension=gif|jpg|png|psd|bmp|swf|midi|wav|mp3|wma|avi|mpg|wmv|asf|rm|rmvb|zip|rar 需要过滤 监测的文件类型 以"|"号分开 speed=50 文件下载速度 单位"K" 需知 因为网络环境的不同 没那么准确 thread=2 单文件下载最大线程
MFC IIS defense Daolian vc Development Environment 7.0 (MFC)/windows 2003's p1/iis6.1 main functions : a defense Daolian two restrictions download threads number three download speed limit use : an open Internet Information Services (IIS) Management/local computer/website/Default Web/Attribute/ISAPI Filter/add two names casually paper of your choice extract from the three heavy relink.dll Kai IIS 4 Open ReLink.ini specific parameters : [settings] url = allow external link to the website address of the "|", as separate "xfrog. cn | webtm.cn "extension = gif | jpg | png | psd | bm p | swf | midi | wav | mp3 | wma | avi | mpg | wmv | asf | r m | RealNetworks | zip | rar need to filter monitoring the file type "|" = 50 separate speed File Downl (2007-04-16, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载177次)
