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按分类查找All mpeg/mp3(5) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(5) 

[mpeg/mp3] mp3saien

The development of the MP3 player, use the VC to develop an interface unconventional music player supports playlists, support fast forward, stop, music control, music player, for you to write more advanced music program and lay the base chu. (2012-08-20, Visual C++, 207KB, 下载10次)


[mpeg/mp3] FFMpegSDK_Develop_Document

ffmpeg Chinese development manuals, learning codec person, very practical. (2011-10-23, Visual C++, 153KB, 下载10次)


[mpeg/mp3] ISO_IEC_11172_3_cn

the chinese of MP3 (2011-03-25, Visual C++, 275KB, 下载20次)


[mpeg/mp3] MPEG-2

MPEG-2网马解密代码,大部分解密完成了,还差一个JS没搞定,大家可以一起研究原理, 更方便免杀.过360啥的.目前源码状态是过大部分杀软和360,在解秘过程中看的出,这个MPEG-网马作者是个球迷,哈哈.
MPEG-2 Network Ma decryption code, and most of the decryption completed, there is still a JS not to get, we can study together the principle of free and easier to kill. Had 360 Han. At present most of the source state is too soft to kill 360, seen in the solution of a secret process, the MPEG-Net Ma author is a fan, ha ha. (2009-10-23, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载11次)


[mpeg/mp3] zlib

MP3 audio streaming digital watermarking program, experiments show that the program can be embedded in a higher capacity, the original audio signal changes in smaller, has better stealth, and integrity of the watermark extraction time is short, you can sync audio player to complete the process. Algorithm by further studies, we found that plug-in technology can make use of the algorithm embedded in the mainstream of the current players in order to achieve real-time information watermark embedding and extraction. This may be the protection of network audio copyright, secret communications networks as a viable, low-cost solution. (2009-03-13, Visual C++, 248KB, 下载74次)
