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[Windows编程] tennis

The two table tennis table tennis game can simulate the basic processes and rules, and can automatically judge and score. Table tennis game is eight light-emitting diodes on behalf of table-tennis table, table tennis, also cater to the middle of two light-emitting diode networks, with the light-emitting diode according to a certain move that the ball movement. In the game on both sides of the design of two switches, one is one shot off the tee. Both A and B according to the rules of table tennis competition to operate the switch, the digital control to do scoreboard, automatic scoring. (2009-11-16, VHDL, 2KB, 下载132次)


[Windows编程] SDH

He is an SDH uplink code, there is composed of eight modules, Ethernet can transmit data (2009-03-26, VHDL, 6KB, 下载200次)
