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[论文] CommentsBuilding

ios简单的模仿了网易的评论盖楼效果, 包括楼层的展开收起, 文字的展开收起, 网易评论的样式这里都有,基本和网易效果一模一样. 代码非常简单,代码供同学们参考. 写的不好的地方请多包涵. QQ:410107098
IOS simply imitates the building effect of NetEase s comments, including the expansion and retraction of floors and the expansion and retraction of text. The styles of NetEase s comments are all available here, basically the same as NetEase s effects The code is very simple. The code is for your reference Please forgive me for the bad writing QQ: 410107098 (2017-06-20, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)
