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[数值算法/人工智能] wangyiyunMusicPlayer

模仿网易云播放界面的CD转盘, 缓 存 进度条,自动播放下一曲等基础功能
Basic functions such as imitating the CD turntable of Netease Cloud s playback interface, caching the progress bar, and automatically playing the next song (2017-09-25, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] CoreDataCache-Demo

CoreDataCache-Demo,据说网易的数据 缓 存 是CoreData做的啊,打个Demo玩玩
CoreDataCache Demo. It is said that NetEase s data cache is made by CoreData. Call Demo to play (2015-01-30, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] FMDB_news

FMDB数据库 缓 存 ,数据库保 存 新闻。新闻 缓 存 至数据库。断网查看新闻。
FMDB database cache, the database stores news. The news is cached to the database. Cut off the network to view the news. (2017-02-21, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] KJBannerViewDemo

轮播图无限自动循环滚动、缩放布局、 缓 存 预加载读取、支持自定义继承,网络GIF和网图混合轮播,支持Storyboard和Xib中创建并配置属性,多种分页控件选择,自动清理 缓 存 等等
Unlimited automatic circular scrolling, scaling layout, cache preload reading, support for custom inheritance, network GIF and network graph hybrid carousel, support for creating and configuring properties in Storyboard and Xib, multiple paging control selection, automatic cache cleaning, etc (2022-03-18, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] TTPlayerCache

AVPlayer 视频离线 缓 存 、可以边下边播放、部分 缓 存 、断网处理、AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate
AVPlayer video offline cache, can play at the bottom, partial cache, offline processing, AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate (2019-10-09, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)
