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[Windows编程] 0728

The simple realization of the news of the NetEase and the realization of the waterfall flow (2016-05-08, Objective-C, 4841KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] MMDrawerController-master

实现自定义各种参数的sidebar视图布局(或者叫drawer view)效果,所谓sidebar视图布局,在很多app(比如网易新闻、facebook等等app)中都可以看到运用,即手指左右移动视图,主视图会移向旁边,在左边或者右边出现sidebar视图,一般是一些菜单。code4app有多份这种视图布局的代码,但这份代码能够对很多参数进行自定义,比如sidebar的宽度,是否需要阴影,是否支持pan手势、主视图移动的动画等等等等你能想到的属性都可以自定义
MMDrawerController is a side drawer navigation container view controller designed to support the growing number of applications that leverage the side drawer paradigm. This library is designed to exclusively support side drawer navigation in a light-weight, focused approach while exposing the ability to provide custom animations for presenting and dismissing the drawer. (2013-11-26, Objective-C, 137KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] C-Primer-Plus--5th-Edition

C Primer Plus, 5th Edition (官网整理下载) C primer plus(第五版)习题答案(包括源代码) 以及 其他例程的一个源代码压缩包 熟悉 C primer plus 的定不会让你失望!!
C Primer Plus, 5th Edition (official website order to download) C primer plus (Fifth Edition) exercise answers (including source code) and other routines, a source familiar with the C primer plus archive fixed will not let you down! ! (2011-08-11, Objective-C, 187KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] WiMAX_RBDS_Sim

opnet project which shows he delay in QoS of a wimax network across a given scenario and topology using the opnet modeller
opnet project which shows he delay in QoS of a wimax network across a given scenario and topology using the opnet modeller (2010-08-18, Objective-C, 2421KB, 下载99次)
