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[数据库管理工具] cool

以服务为跳板,提供API访问数据库 Redis。API自动化测试时,部分测试工具(如postman)或者数据库 Redis内网无法直连。
Using services as a springboard to provide API access to the database Redis. During API automation testing, some testing tools (such as Postman) or the Redis database cannot be directly connected to the intranet. (2023-01-31, GO, 18KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Rpcon

内网横向利用工具,用于ssh wmiexec等常规服务,也可以当作一个数据库执行命令工具
Internal network horizontal utilization tool, used for regular services such as ssh wmiexec, and can also be used as a database execution command tool (2023-05-15, GO, 20KB, 下载0次)
