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[DirextX编程] 2007614292339

3D 台球游戏 vb 版,可玩性强,它使用DirectX 8.0,使用了许多 3D 程序必须的技术,例如: 冲突检测和反应、矩阵变革、线性插值法、端点和索引缓冲、textured 滤网、阴影,光线追踪等。请看程序截图!
3D billiards game vb version, playability strong, it uses DirectX 8.0, 3D program must use a number of technologies, such as: conflict detection and response, matrix transformation, linear interpolation, the endpoint and index buffer, textured filter, shadow , ray tracing. See program screenshots! (2010-07-17, Visual Basic, 275KB, 下载21次)
