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按分类查找All 图形图像处理(9) 
按平台查找All Visual Basic(9) 

[图形图像处理] jiancezhixian

为了能有效解决H ough 变换的计算量大的问题,文中提出了一种基于直线局部结构特征的H ough 变换改进的直 线检测算法。该算法根据F reem an 准则分析了直线上基元的特征信息,通过图像上邻近的同类基元的倾斜角约束基元上 像素点的极角范围,减少每个点的计算次数,在保持精度的同时,提高直线检测的速度,在有噪声的情况下,该算法相对标 准H ough 变换算法可以提高到6 到7 倍。
In o rder to effectively solve the pro blem of decreasing com putation in the process of using H ough T ransform (w r ) to extract str aigh t line .an im p ro v ed H T algo ri th m m etho d is p res en ted b ased O n-th e loc al ch aracteri stics o f the straig h t lin e .A cc ord ing to F ree m a n C ri te ria ,th e im p rov ed m eth o d an a lyzes e lem en tary line seg m e n ts s tru ctu re o f th e stra ig h t lin e ,an d d efine s th e sco p e of t3o lar an g le o f th e points on elem entary line segm ents by com putin g the tilt ang le of the straight line d eterm ined by the tw o adjacent an d cong eneri c elem en — tary sin e seg m en ts ,an d th en d ec rea se s th e c om p uting tim es o f ev ery po in t .P o in ting to th e im a g e co n tain ing n o ise ,th e tes ting da ta sh o w s th a t v elo c ity o f th e im p ro v ed a lg o rithm is 6- 7 tim es as fas t aS th e stan d ~ d o n e ,w h ile th e prec ision is k e p t. (2015-09-18, Visual Basic, 16454KB, 下载2次)


[图形图像处理] ktvSystem

KTV industry and other service industry is a new industry compared. In the years of the development process, the industry gradually standardized is be obvious to people. In the market economy operation, the entertainment industry is the prospect of an upward trend, continue to be opened up the consumer market and increasing people s spiritual needs have made KTV industry to become the industry the Nuggets hot. (2015-03-13, Visual Basic, 14412KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] Gaussian-positive-operator

主要是测绘领域中的 高斯正算 高斯反算 水准网平差
Gaussian positive operator Gaussian backcalculation leveling network adjustment (2012-11-28, Visual Basic, 1119KB, 下载18次)


[图形图像处理] wqv3

A beautiful net Qi template source, contains the source file and a thumbnail of the original picture (2012-11-24, Visual Basic, 86KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] Image-synthesis

Image synthesis (2012-09-28, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] VBPicture

VB6.0源码10 图像放大器 包含pDF
VB6.0 source image amplifier Contains pDF (2012-02-09, Visual Basic, 3081KB, 下载10次)


[图形图像处理] transferimage

This is the image transformation procedures, the control network adjustment calculation functions. College completion. (2011-04-17, Visual Basic, 165KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] violetcheng

mapping measurement procedures, which mainly includes photographic measurement, wire, standard network adjustment, the adjustment calculation (2007-04-23, Visual Basic, 59KB, 下载181次)


[图形图像处理] Convex

this code to solve the establishment point of closure convex polygon, using convex closure insertion algorithm to establish Delaunay triangulation can be used as reference. (2005-10-19, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载74次)
