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[前端开发] gravity-guy

Gravity Guy recreation with Processing (Java), (2023-10-14, Processing, 0KB, 下载0次)


[以太坊] Arduino-Ethernet

Credit-card sized ethernet Arduino -- started by , (2023-07-31, Processing, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ethernet-tester

Arduino Sketch to用于以太网电缆测试仪。
Arduino Sketch to for an Ethernet cable tester. (2017-03-09, Processing, 11KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] 663

Sports website information. The development of sports app network. Sports network production (2018-06-06, Processing, 1624KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Movie

Video (Video) refers to a variety of techniques that capture, record, process, store, transmit and reproduce a series of static images in electrical signals. The image changes of more than 24 frames per second continuous (frame) picture above, according to the principle of persistence of vision, the human eye can not distinguish the single static images; visual effect appears to be smooth and continuous, so called continuous video images. Video technology was originally developed for television systems, but now it has developed into different formats to help consumers record videos. The development of network technology also promotes the video clips in the form of streaming media exist on the Internet, and can be received and played by the computer. Video and film belong to different technologies, the latter is the use of photography to capture dynamic images as a series of static photos. (2017-10-29, Processing, 6185KB, 下载1次)
