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[系统编程] aybook.cn_gxncyxl1204(1)

共享内存与线程局部存储的资料 出处:http://blog.csdn.net/absurd
Shared memory and the thread local storage of information Source: http://blog.csdn.net/absurd (2010-05-21, DOS, 138KB, 下载3次)


[系统编程] IP_Setting

暑假每天寝室实验室地跑,每次都要重设IP,很麻烦,于是写了个.bat的批处理脚本,可以快捷的更换IP。如果要使用的话只需修改ip(IP地址), msk(子网掩码), gtway(默认网关) 和snd(首先DNS服务器)的值即可。
Summer bedroom laboratory to run every day, every time to reset the IP, is cumbersome, they wrote a. Bat batch scripts, you can replace the fast IP. If you want to use, then simply modify ip (IP address), msk (subnet mask), gtway (default gateway) and snd (first DNS server) can be of value. (2008-10-02, DOS, 1KB, 下载26次)
