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[电子书籍] pubwin2007

pubwin2007此工具是必须结合文章 Pubwin2007破解全攻略(http://www.netbarghost.com/wpaper/03/01.html) 使用 网吧幽灵(http://www.netbarghost.com)
This tool is pubwin2007 article must be read in conjunction Pubwin2007 Raiders wide crack (http://www.netbarghost.com/wpaper/03/01.html) the specter of the use of Internet cafes (http://www.netbarghost.com) (2008-12-18, DOS, 4366KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] windows 2003下实现无盘工作站

Maybe somebody will say, "Who now using diskless diskless, then slowly", "management nor convenient, too cumbersome," and "too difficult to install, most people do not." In fact, diskless is not slow, but use some special software, the installation of diskless workstation is also very easy. (2005-09-19, DOS, 116KB, 下载29次)
