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[搜索引擎] Black-hat-seo-learning

Black hat black hat seo Learning Network www.heimaoxuexi.com technology from entry to combat tutorial, zero-based learning without the burden! The latest black hat SEO code, black hat seo techniques black hat seo training, zero-based learning black hat seo without the burden of solving the industry keywords rank no problem to meet the fast search engine ranking algorithms aim black hat seo techniques Pan resolution, pan-two station group, the Pan directories, news sources hijacking, parasites pan stations, bulk million generated directory, two directories hijacking, hostage snapshot weights hijacking hundreds of black hat seo techniques code video tutorials (2014-07-25, DOS, 39KB, 下载7次)


[搜索引擎] CS_Analog-network-reptiles-source

网络爬虫 是一个自动提取网页的程序,它为搜索引擎从万维网上下载网页,是搜索引擎的重要组成。传统爬虫从一个或若干初始网页的URL开始,获得初始网页上的URL,在抓取网页的过程中,不断从当前页面上抽取新的URL放入队列,直到满足系统的一定停止条件。
The Web crawler is a program of automatic extraction of Web pages for search engines from the download page on the World Wide Web, is an important component of the search engines. Traditional reptile from one or more of the initial URL of the page to get the URL in the initial pages crawled pages, and continuously extracted from the current page with the new URL into the queue, until a certain cut-off conditions. (2012-08-12, DOS, 1052KB, 下载11次)
