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[SNMP编程] NETworks-manager-course

"Network Administrators Guide" is the computer technology and software professional and technical qualifications (level) exam teaching. Content tightly around the "network administrator syllabus and Training Guide" (2009 edition), the network administrator exam involves relevant content specific explanation. The book is divided into 11 chapters, each based on data communications, computer network infrastructure, network access technology and Internet applications, a small computer local area network construction, the basic configuration of switches and routers, small computer LAN server configuration, web production, web site establishment, management and maintenance, basic knowledge of network security, network management basics, as well as basic knowledge of information technology standardization and explanations and examples for system analysis, and finally gives LAN formation, management and maintenance of integrated training. (2013-09-23, Unix_Linux, 1882KB, 下载2次)


[SNMP编程] aybook.cn_NET-SNMP0117

NetSNMP 使用說明, 包括了如何架設 snmp 的 service 和使用內含的函式...
NetSNMP user guide (2009-03-17, Unix_Linux, 401KB, 下载13次)



网管HP-UX学习文档,关于HP-UX的,很不错 (2007-07-26, Unix_Linux, 3271KB, 下载16次)


[SNMP编程] vovidaSnmp

非常不错的网管开发包,包含了完整的snmp api
very good network management development kit, which includes a complete snmp api (2004-12-14, Unix_Linux, 1457KB, 下载46次)
