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按分类查找All Modem编程(18) 

[Modem编程] audio_modem

Sending and receiving encoded Ethernet frames using sound (project for Computer Networks course), (2017-03-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Modem编程] nullconf

Null- modem (i.e. Direct connect with ethernet wire) network automatic configuration sample, (2015-07-21, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Modem编程] pigeond

用于IP Over Avian运营商的以太网调制解调器,
Ethernet modem for IP Over Avian Carriers, (2017-04-27, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Modem编程] Rika-REVO-GSM-modem-emulator

Permet de simuler le调制解调器GSM数据不存在颗粒Rika Revo。连接以太网,il devicent possible de piloter le poéle avec un syst...,
Permet de simuler le modem GSM d un poêle à granule Rika Revo. Connecté en Ethernet, il devient possible de piloter le poêle avec un système domestique. (2022-11-17, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Modem编程] quectel-rgmii-configuration-notes

Notes on using a Quectel modem directly connected to Ethernet, (2023-07-08, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Modem编程] theoldnet-wifi-firmware-binaries

用于在调制解调器和以太网模式下使用Old Net RS232串行到WIFI适配器的固件、驱动程序和软件,
Firmware, drivers and software for using The Old Net RS232 Serial to WIFI adapter in Modem and Ethernet Mode, (2022-07-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Modem编程] communication

cn... read it very carefully
cn... read it very carefully (2012-05-11, TEXT, 22KB, 下载2次)


[Modem编程] ppp

ppp拨号软件,用于GPRS MODEM进行拨号连接到因特网中,支持PDP击活和PDP去活上下文.
ppp dial-up software for GPRS MODEM for dial-up connection to the Internet in support of PDP and the PDP to hit live live context. (2009-09-25, Unix_Linux, 1616KB, 下载55次)


[Modem编程] AFD

A RAS dial-up procedures for advanced development, can achieve through the program dial function, can achieve such as adsl, Netcom and other dial-up function, but also be able to monitor modem or LAN network traffic (2009-03-08, Visual C++, 686KB, 下载7次)


[Modem编程] Linux-Serial-Programming-CN.tar

Linux serial port entry (with English interpretation) contains the source code and documentation (2008-10-29, C/C++, 41KB, 下载68次)


[Modem编程] dial

This is a use at command in vc++ Environment prepared to use the notebook to control the com port PSTN modem dial telephone procedures can be used for program debugging. (2008-10-09, Visual C++, 2259KB, 下载28次)


[Modem编程] RAS

RAS is a high-level programming RAS dial-up procedures for high-level development, through the program can be achieved without a telephone dial-up function, can realize such as adsl, Netcom and other dial-up function, but also be able to monitor modem or network card of the network traffic, the reader is definitely a worthwhile learning procedures. (2008-07-08, Visual C++, 687KB, 下载151次)


[Modem编程] ModemTechnology

利用Boson模拟器进行设计实施及测试: 某校有本科生宿舍5座,每座4层,每层10间房,每间房2个学生,。要求对学生宿舍的网络进行设计规划,设计时需满足下列要求:在宿舍区提供一个学生服务器机房,供学生社团放置各类服务器;在学生服务器机房,设置一个代理服务器供同学们使用学校分配了1段C类IP地址给该学生服务器机房,IP地址为202.116.187.0/24。;拟保证每个学生有一个上网端口;学生机器采用私有IP地址,通过代理服务器上校外网。设计时尽量能够减少广播风暴; 请根据以上环境和设计要求设计该网络,完成下列工作并撰写相关文档: 选择相应的网络设备(以Cisco品牌为蓝本,写出参数和数量);写出设计方案、画出网络拓扑结构、并阐述设计理由. (2008-05-22, Others, 509KB, 下载68次)


[Modem编程] CshareGSMLEDapp

(C#)GSM LED控件应用源程序 无线LED 条屏是一种全新的信息媒体,基于GPRS无线互联网络技术,内置udp-TCP/IP协议栈的工业级GPRS Modem)提供LED 控制卡透明的GPRS网络通信接口,配合服务器软件,实现对LED 显示屏的大规模组网。
(C#) GSM LED controls the application of Article source wireless LED screen is a new information media, based on the GPRS wireless Internet network technology, built-in protocol stack udp-TCP/IP industrial-grade GPRS Modem) to provide transparent LED control card the GPRS network communication interface with the server software, to realize large-scale LED display network. (2008-05-15, C#, 403KB, 下载290次)


[Modem编程] ITU-TG.729Sourcecode

做到在互连网的语音通信功能,使用g.729压缩,在 北京 -------- 重庆 间测试过,一端是长城宽带。一端是56k modem 拨号上网。语音比较清晰,但有一点停吨现象。
Done in the Internet voice communication function, the use of G.729 compression, in Beijing, Chongqing, tested, and one end is the Great Wall Broadband. One end is a 56k modem dial-up. Relatively clear voice, but one thing stopped tons phenomenon. (2008-04-09, Visual C++, 112KB, 下载19次)


[Modem编程] NB2003_PPP

an agreement PPP Internet source, through the GPRS network, Internet access. (2006-04-11, MultiPlatform, 556KB, 下载334次)


[Modem编程] 324242

RAS is a high-level programming procedures RAS Dial-Advanced Development, through this program can be achieved without a telephone dial-up function can be realized as adsl, Netcom, and other dial-up function, also to monitor the modem or Ethernet network traffic is definitely worthy of a reader's learning process (2006-01-12, Visual C++, 229KB, 下载128次)


[Modem编程] RAS拨号

RAS is a high-level programming RAS Dial-up procedures advanced development, and the program can be achieved without a telephone dial-up function can be realized as adsl, Netcom, and other dial-up function, but also to monitor the modem or Ethernet network traffic is definitely a worthy readers learning process. (2005-04-11, C++, 234KB, 下载68次)
