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[网络编程] 2548605

Inverse filter and Wiener filter are used to restore degraded image, and the effect is good. (2018-12-02, C++ Builder, 33KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] wxBingsns

BingSNS供销版O2O源码包含了O2O门店服务+网络分销+多级推客+2个商业闭环。 第一个,模式闭环: BingSNS供销源码定位在供销模式,强调的是供销流程,提倡的是帮助供应商打造自己的渠道品牌第二个,支付闭环: 在系统内的任何一笔交易,粉丝可通过微信支付、微信扫码,支付宝,财付通在线收款,系统会自动核算每笔交易中的各个角色(供应商、分销商、门店、推客)的账单明细
BingSNS supply and marketing version of the O2O source code contains the O2O store services+ network distribution+ multi-level push off+2 business closed loop. First, mode closed loop: BingSNS supply and marketing source positioning in the supply and marketing model, the emphasis is on the supply and marketing process, is to help suppliers to build their own channel brand second, pay closed loop: Any transaction within the system, fans can pay through WeChat, Alipay, WeChat scan code, TenPay online payment, the system will automatically check each role in each transaction (suppliers, distributors, stores, twitter) of the statement (2016-09-10, C++ Builder, 6284KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Network-Communications_STM32

STM32 和 LWIP 实现: TCP TCP 服务器、 服务器、 TCP TCP 客服端、 UDP 以及 WEBWEB 服务器等四个功能.
STM32F103 and LWIP implementation: four function TCP TCP server, server, TCP TCP customer service side, UDP and WEBWEB servers. (2015-11-01, C++ Builder, 2111KB, 下载14次)


[网络编程] WYD750

The good fate 754 server! I have been using is now out and share, includes supporting client (2013-02-07, C++ Builder, 2370KB, 下载87次)


[网络编程] Cb_Builder_Socket_TCP

C++ Builder 6.0 Socket控件TCP通信,服务器和客服端都有。
C++ Builder 6.0 Socket Controls TCP communications, server and client have a customer service. (2009-03-27, C++ Builder, 887KB, 下载193次)
