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按分类查找All Oracle数据库(5) 
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[Oracle数据库] userland-gate

Clone of Oracle userland-gate for Nebraska (2012-10-06, Java, 10369KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] MB_BOS

一个美特斯邦威的物流管理系统 jdk1.8+Eclipse+Maven+Oracle+struts2+spring+hibernate
A logistics management system for Metersbonwe, jdk1.8+Eclipse+Maven+Oracle+struts 2+spring+hibernate (2017-01-04, Java, 31KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] paillier

Java implementation of Paillier algorithm. This is one of the few known system that preserves additive homomorphic properties. JCA PaillierProvider follows the requirements of Java Cryptography Architecture Reference Guide for Java Platform Standard Edition 6 issued by Oracle. (2019-01-29, Java, 2059KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] Oracle_Tomas

Oracle 9i 电子资料_托马斯张.chm 十分全、基础、优化、体系结构、命令速查
Electronic Data in Oracle 9i _ Thomas Zhang. Chm, very full, based on optimization of the architecture, Command Quick Reference (2012-10-18, Java, 29225KB, 下载7次)


[Oracle数据库] IT168_RAC_LoadBalancing_Failover

极为欧文急哦加防腐剂文件额佛教我家沃尔福建 防奇偶非叫我 我 飞
Adsense after qualified to open account. If you don t want to upload the source, can become [VIP member] obtain account If the other members download time you upload source, you can download the number will increase 1 times. More instructions please see [help elucidation] (2010-12-31, Java, 397KB, 下载5次)
