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[软件工程] 订餐

Has a more complete function, has a full set of front desk plus background plus database (2018-06-24, Java, 4377KB, 下载0次)


[软件工程] Object-oriented-

Object oriented ten design patterns: strategy pattern, singleton pattern, strategy pattern, factory pattern, state pattern, command pattern, adapter, decoration, facade pattern, template method plus code (2015-06-28, Java, 65KB, 下载5次)


[软件工程] [Refactoring_to_Patterns]Joshua.Kerievsky

本书由Joshua Kerievsky科瑞夫斯盖著,杨光,刘基诚译。本书开创性地深入揭示了重构与模式这两种软件开发关键技术之间的联系,说明了通过重构实现模式改善既有的设计,往往优于在新的设计早期使用模式。本书不仅展示了一种应用模式和重构的创新方法,而且有助于读者结合实战深入理解重构和模式。书中讲述了27种重构方式。
Written by Joshua Kerievsky Keruifusi covered, Yang Guang, Liu Cheng-based translation. This book reveals the depth reconstruction pioneered both software development and model the links between key technologies, illustrated by reconstruction of the existing design to achieve model improvements, are often better than the design early in the new usage patterns. This book not only shows an application model and the reconstruction of innovative approaches, but also helps the reader understand the reconstruction combined with actual depth and pattern. The book describes 27 kinds of reconstruction methods. (2010-08-31, Java, 4994KB, 下载18次)
