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[TreeView控件] prtree-1.5.tar

新型多维空间索引结构PR-tree,并且在这种新型的索引结构下进行了高维数据的查询操作.这种新型的空间索引结构有两个主要的特点:对需要查询的数据空间进行层次划分 并且对结点的插入、删除等操作具有高度的灵活性
PRTree is a Priority R-Tree, a spatial index. For some background read this: http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2005/cmsc828s/slides/prtree.pdf PRTree is written to be fast and use as little memory aspossible. The source for org.khelekore.prtree.junit.TestRTree has a few examples of setting up and querying a PRTree. (2012-06-14, Java, 189KB, 下载3次)
