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[Redis] atabases-and-Computational-Tools-Used-in-Big-Data

大数据中使用的数据库和计算工具,我的家庭作业解决方案(通过TAMU HRPC在SSH Linux Bash中)在德克萨斯农工大学的博士级统计学课程(STAT 624)...
My homework solutions (in SSH/Linux/Bash via TAMU HRPC) of the Ph.D. level Statistics course (STAT 624) in Texas A&M University (2023-05-14, C, 1455KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] ranger

ranger,redis (2023-05-14, C, 1KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Cinquain-Store

Cinquain Store,一种高效的键值存储,支持任意大的值和并行字节范围的数据访问。巴斯...
A highly efficient key-value store that supports arbitrarily large values and parallel byte-range access to data. Based on Redis. (2023-05-14, C, 69KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Subaru

Subaru,A key-value database in developing, support redis data structures and based on multi-threads (2023-05-14, C, 9KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Redis-ZSetWithTime

Redis ZSetWithTime,一个以时间戳维度作为Redis模块的增强型zset结构
Redis-ZSetWithTime,An enhanced zset structure with timestamp dimension as a redis module (2023-05-14, C, 42KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] CZRedisClient

CZRedisClient,最近项目之中用到Redis来做缓存,官网只有PHP和JAVA的资料。 找到了GitHub里面框架是两年前的代码且不维护了。后来我们发邮件咨询了俄罗斯的作者,得到了很好的回复。问题最后得到解决。记录一下给大家作参考!
CZRedisClient, Redis has been used for caching in recent projects, and the official website only has information on PHP and JAVA. I found that the framework in GitHub is code from two years ago and is no longer maintained. Later, we sent an email to consult with the Russian author and received a good response. The problem was finally resolved. Record it for everyone s reference! (2023-05-14, C, 94KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] redis-6

redis-6.0-ZN-annotation,基于redis 6.0 的 加中文注释版redis
Redis-6.0-ZN annotation, based on Redis 6.0 with Chinese annotations version Redis (2023-05-14, C, 2607KB, 下载0次)
