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[教育系统应用] Student-Fee-Management

学生交费管理系统.没加打印功能 带数据说明
Students pay management system. Did not add printing capabilities (2013-05-19, Delphi, 841KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] teachingmanage

teaching information management system is Campus Information Management System an integral part. After detailed needs analysis, The system chosen Borland's Delphi 7 as the development tool provide the use of its integrated development environment and controls to achieve the teaching information management purposes. Development of teaching information management systems, including the main function of student achievement inquiries, inquiries to the students, teachers information inquiries, Billing Division achievements View, academic year begins list of credits, the average calculation, variance calculations, fill the modification students, teachers, curriculum information, Database reduction, backup and other ancillary functions. (2007-03-29, Delphi, 1476KB, 下载17次)


[教育系统应用] tushuguanguanlixitongduzheguanlimokuai

library management system, readers management module, delphi increase in SQLServer. cause I, the graduation design (2006-05-18, Delphi, 2974KB, 下载308次)
