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[数据库编程] guolvqi

EXCEL table data is imported into ACCESS database and regular expressions are used to filter keywords provided by customers with different requirements. Now set up to filter Japanese data. As long as you need to modify it, you can filter the language of each country. This is a data filtering tool written for a customer with rough interface and powerful functions (2019-03-13, Delphi, 9981KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] delphiBookManageSystem

Very good for a small library system, oh well. Add-source software. (2009-04-05, Delphi, 1463KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] tax

程序数据库配置采用了加密方案。配置文件Config.Ini DataConfig后面的就是经过加密后的配置路径。加解密可到程序中去
Configuration database encryption scheme used. Config.IniDataConfig configuration file is encrypted behind the configuration of the path after. Encryption and decryption process can go (2008-03-20, Delphi, 2642KB, 下载12次)


[数据库编程] train_graduate

火车售票系统 初始用户名:admin 密码;admin 功能有: 1 查询 通过输入车次或车站名同时配合日期座位类型查 询剩余的车票数量。 2 定票 在查询的基础上,定票(可预定3天的车票)。 3 退票 4 操作员管理 管理员可以增加,删除,修改操作员的基 本信息。 5 车票整理 一天过去后,可以删除今天的余票记录,并增 加第四天的车票。 水平有限,请多执教,QQ: 59940128 email: youegg@163.com
train ticketing system initial Username : admin password; Admin functions : an inquiry by the importation of vehicles or stations were co-date types of seating tickets for the remaining amount. Two inquiries will vote on the basis of votes will (be scheduled three-day tickets). 3 Refund four operators management administrator can add, delete, modify the operation of basic information. Five tickets collate day is over, can I delete the record of votes, and increase the fourth day tickets. Limited, and please teach, QQ : 59940128 email : youegg@163.com (2006-07-09, Delphi, 30KB, 下载75次)
