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[NoSQL] Stop-Fire_Monash

Project to predict and help stop the fire in Victorian cities, by analyzing the data and migrating to NoSQL (MongoDB) database. In this I built the application, a complete setup from streaming to storing and analyzing the data for them using Apache Kafka, Apache Spark Streaming and MongoDB. (2020-04-17, Jupyter Notebook, 89KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] analysis_nosql

Repositório referente ao trabalho final da Disciplina de Banco de Dados n o relacionais (2017-06-13, Jupyter Notebook, 330KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] PySpark-Confluent-Kafka-Apache-Drill-

一个基于代码的教程,用于生产级数据流,使用PySpark加Optimus进行数据清理,Confluent Kafk...
A code-based tutorial for production level data streaming with PySpark plus Optimus for data cleaning, Confluent Kafka, & Apache Drill using Docker and Cassandra (NoSQL DB) for storage; This allows for for fast feature engineering and data cleaning. (2019-07-08, Jupyter Notebook, 1533KB, 下载0次)
