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[MySQL数据库] poddley

搜索带有youtube视频的播客转录的同步和对齐搜索引擎。Nuxt3前端,Express Prisma pm2 MySQL后端。将WhispherX、wav2vec、feedparser、ffmpeg、meilisearch、github操作、bash脚本与SSH一起用于CICD,并将tailwindcss与tailwind引导网格一起使用。
Search-engine for podcast-transcriptions with accompanying youtube videos, synced and aligned. Nuxt3-frontend, Express Prisma pm2 MySQL-backend. Uses WhispherX, wav2vec, feedparser, ffmpeg, meilisearch, github actions, bash-scripts with SSH for CICD and tailwindcss with tailwind-bootstrap-grid. (2024-01-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] sim-penggajian

SIM Penggajian PHP MySQL (Native) (2019-04-12, CSS, 8492KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Projeto-Carros-PHP-MySQL

Projeto网站Carros PHP+MySQL。安吉洛·阿丰索、吉尔森·迪亚斯和佩德罗·费尔南德斯。
Projeto Website Carros PHP+MySQL. Desenvolvido por Angelo Affonso, Gilson Dias e Pedro Fernandes. (2019-06-06, CSS, 5250KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] nodejs-Mysql-readFile

1-Transformar uma saída de texto de um equip de rede em dados. 2-Subir um Banco de Dados, realizar uma modelagem para armazenar os dados. 3-Criar um Web Server, com uma rota que realize a leitura dos arquivos e realize o armazenamento dos dados e uma rota que realize a obten??o destes dados. 4-Criar um pequeno Front-end que consuma estes dados. (2022-08-17, CSS, 6626KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] URL_shortner

URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web in which a Uniform Resource Locator may be made substantially shorter and still direct to the required page. This is achieved by using a redirect which links to the web page that has a long URL. In this project, I used the Java Springboot framework to develop this application (2022-12-11, CSS, 19196KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Rizqi-SDGs-Solution

“Rizqi” is a Web App for the Universiti Sains Malaysia s community that plays an important role in collecting and distributing surplus food and non-food for the needy, provided that the food that is going to be distributed is still edible. This could be food that’s nearing its sell-by date in mini marts, meals from cafeterias, redundant food (2022-02-07, CSS, 5147KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] quicktravelling

主要功能包括:目的地搜索、详情展示、收藏、点赞、排行以及位置定位。同时,采用PhoneGap开发Hybrid App版。前端,主要利用Bootstrap、jQuery、AJAX、Web Storage、高德地图API等实现主要功能;服...
The main functions include: destination search, detail display, favorites, likes, rankings, and location positioning. At the same time, the Hybrid App version is developed using PhoneGap. The front-end mainly utilizes Bootstrap, jQuery, AJAX, Web Storage, and Gaode Map API to achieve main functions; Server (2016-08-08, CSS, 4438KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Laravel-blog

Блог на Laravel (2023-05-25, CSS, 29241KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] mi-gin

go 语言 模拟电商官网的后端服务 gin 加 gorm 实现
Go language simulates the backend service of e-commerce official website with gin and gorm implementation (2022-02-20, CSS, 2285KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] whitewall

Java 高校表白墙社交系统(类似知乎、牛客网)
Java university confession wall social system (similar to Zhihu and Niuke) (2022-08-03, CSS, 4610KB, 下载0次)
