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[SQL Server] TSQL-Practice

白俄罗斯理工大学的实验室使用SQL Server
Laboratory works with SQL Server at the Belarusian Technological University (2023-12-23, TSQL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SpotPer

Trabalho final da disciplina de Fundamentos de Bancos de Dados, na UFC. Um "Spotify" personalizado, usando Node, React e SQL Server. (2022-12-11, TSQL, 1627KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] sttm-dimenisonal-dw-ssis-scd-tutorial

源到目标映射、维度模型、数据仓库、SQL Server Integration Services、缓慢变化的维度...
Source to Target Mapping, Dimensional Model, Data warehousing, SQL Server Integration Services, Slowly Changing Dimension ( Kimbal s Type 1,2 and 3 ) tutorial (2019-11-30, TSQL, 1830KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] TMS_Dimensions_SP

在SQL Server上的TMS中管理对象维度的存储过程
A Stored Procedure to manage object dimensions in TMS on SQL Server (2022-03-15, TSQL, 6KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Folha-de-pagamento-ficticia

达多斯银行第二银行SQL Server项目
Projeto de SQL Server para a matéria de Banco de Dados II (2021-04-30, TSQL, 253KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Projeto-Restaurante-SQL

达多斯银行(Banco de Dados)的系统将SQL Server作为餐厅的歌剧。
Sistema de Banco de Dados feito em SQL Server que gerencia todas as opera es de um determinado restaurante. (2020-07-24, TSQL, 55KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Data-Warehousing-and-Sales-Data-Mart-Analysis

Created a Dimensional model of the AdventureWorks database by creating a Data Warehouse. Performed ETL using SSIS to create a data warehouse in SQL Server. Designed a Business Intelligence Dashboard to answer Business Demands by Microsoft Power BI. (2022-12-11, TSQL, 5223KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Strava

Strava活动通过API调用提取到SQL Server数据库中,然后转换为维度化结构...
Strava activities are extracted via API call into a SQL Server DB then transformed into a dimensionalised structure, using SSIS to manage the workflow. A PowerBI data model and visualisations are built on this. (2021-09-01, TSQL, 664KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Process-Mining

将原始原始数据拆分为事实和维度并将数据存储到SQL Server Management Stud中的SQL查询...
SQL Queries of splitting Original Raw data into Facts and Dimensions and storing data into SQL Server Management Studio and on Cloud Azure SQL Database (2020-11-04, TSQL, 1844KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SQl-Server

使用Sql server链接如下:此存储库用于更好地理解和调用Sql server。虚拟盒子[h...](https://www.virtualbox.org维基下载)
Use Sql server the link s are below as: This repository for better understanding and recall SQL Server. virtual box <https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads> windows 2016 <https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2016> sql server 2017 <https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads> 2017 ssms [https://docs...](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download- sql-server-management-studio-ssms?view=sql-server-2017) (2022-03-28, TSQL, 150KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Date-Time-Number-Dimensions

SQL Server T-SQL脚本来创建数据仓库维度或业务智能表并加载表...
SQL Server T-SQL scripts to create the data warehouse dimensions or business intelligence tables and load the tables with data. (2023-05-24, TSQL, 14KB, 下载0次)
