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[手机短信编程] sms_v1.2

此程序采用移动139邮箱的短信接口,您无需加任何人为好友,就可以免费发送短信,而且短信为50条,远多余飞信的短信条数,最令人心动的是您发送短信无需任何费用,连短信费都省了 由于以前发布的程序曾遭到程序发布商的恶意更改,此程序已采用zend加密对核心代码进行了加密,如果您需要开源版程序,请到联系作者获取,谢谢您的支持
This procedure using mobile 139 mailbox message interface, you do not need to friend anyone, you can send free SMS and SMS 50, far in excess of Fetion message number, the most exciting is you send text messages without any cost, even the SMS charges, the Due to the previously published procedures had been procedures issued business malicious changes, this program has been adopted Zend encryption to the core code is encrypted, if you need to open source version of the program, please contact the author get, thank you support (2016-04-13, PHP, 6KB, 下载1次)
