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[数据库管理工具] MagangDi_AkademiSeni-DesainIndonesiaSurakarta

membuat webiste untuk pendataan almuni dan profil kampus(门布亚特网站)。特达帕特·菲图尔(terdapat fitur)与达里·皮哈克·卡姆普斯·丹·阿尔穆尼(dari pihak kampus dan almuni)共同工作。校友...
membuat webiste untuk pendataan almuni dan profil kampus. terdapat fitur share job dari pihak kampus dan almuni. Alumni juga dapat melihat profil portofolio dari alumni lain. tools yang digunakan IDE Atom dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP,HTML,CSS,javascript dan database MYSQL (2019-12-28, PHP, 162103KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] company-registry

A tool that imports open data of Latvian companies into a database and searches for a company by its registration number. (2021-04-28, PHP, 84KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] SMU_CapstoneProject_ComparisonWebsite

A comparison platform (think Seedly, Moneysmart and Nerdwallet) on the different shariah-compliant financial products, and where users can leave, read, update reviews. Admin has the right to delete the reviews. (2021-04-03, PHP, 2910KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] phpMyAdmin49

Handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web (2022-09-30, PHP, 12KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] NotCMS

NotCMS(尼斯或可怕的CMS)是一个基于xml的数据库,它包含了各种各样的“sezioni”del sito,esse possono essere di...
NotCMS (Nice Or Terrible CMS) Si basa su un db xml, che contiene le varie "sezioni " del sito, esse possono essere di tipo "pages", ovvero una sezione contenente dei post pubblicati dall admin, che possono essere commentati; o di tipo "guest" ovvero sezioni che implementano un guestbook. L amministratore può pubblicare pagine, eliminarle, (2011-10-28, PHP, 2926KB, 下载0次)
