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[Web服务器] web

网络爬虫(又称为网页蜘蛛,网络机器人,在FOAF社区中间,更经常的称为网页追逐者),是一种按照一定的规则,自动地抓取万维网信息的程序或者脚本。另外一些不常使用的名字还有蚂蚁、自动索引、模拟程序或者蠕虫。 本程序对任务服务器进行模拟。
Web crawler (also known as web spider, web robot, in the FOAF community, more often known as web chaser), is a program or script that automatically grabs the World Wide Web information according to certain rules. Other unusual names include ants, automatic indexing, emulators, or worms. (2020-05-05, Python, 1KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] code

The code used in the multi-process socket programming, the simple realization of the web server development, python program in the machine running, open the browser, enter can see the results, using http protocol (2017-06-22, Python, 35KB, 下载1次)
