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[其他数据库] gustbook

版权说明:版权属于dqe2008.com 特色:   1、界面采用欧试风格,设计唯美.   2、可调用留言,能做为评论模块用于其他系统的开发.   3、代码简洁,功能实用. 使用说明:   2、帐号密码以及一些参数在gustbook_Conn.asp中修改,用记事本打开,里面有注释。初始帐号密码都为:admin   3、如何调用评论? 先在要调用评论的页面写入:<!--#include file="gustbook_Conn.asp" -->和<!--#include file="gustbook_sub.asp" --> gustbook_Conn.asp为连接数据库文件,gustbook_sub.asp为函数文件。 再在要调用评论的地方写入:< Call DQE_gustbook(lanmu,bookNum,LeftNum,bookform,bookname) > 如:Call DQE_gustbook(0,4,25,1,"留言区") 详细参数说明: lanmu ------- 调用评论的栏目:容错默认为0 bookNum ------- 评论条数:容错默认为5 LeftNum ------- 显示标题最左边的字符数,默认40,一个汉字算两个字符 bookform ------- 是否显示发言表单, 默认0为不显示,1为显示,并自定义,容错默认为0 bookname ------- 显示在评论页面的标题:必须加双引号,如:"留言区" 初始帐号密码都为:admin 主页:index.asp
Copyright Note: the copyright belongs to dqe2008.com Characteristics: 1, interface test using the European style, design aesthetic. 2, can call the message, do as the comment module for other systems. 3, the code is simple and functional utility. Usage: 2, account password, as well as a number of parameters to modify gustbook_Conn.asp use Notepad to open, there are notes. Account for the initial password: admin 3, how to call the comment? Call first to comment on the page write :<!--# include file = "gustbook_Conn.asp"-> and <!--# include file = "gustbook_sub.asp"-> gustbook_Conn.asp database file for the connection, gustbook_sub.asp document for the function. And then call in to write reviews of places: < Call DQE_gustbook (lanmu, bookNum, LeftNum, bookform, bookname) > Such as: Call DQE_gustbook (0,4,25,1, "Message Area") Detailed parameter description: Call lanmu------- Comment section: fault tolerance defaults to 0 Article Comm (2009-04-27, HTML, 81KB, 下载18次)
