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[游戏] e-luo-si-fang-kuai

Basic functions of Tetris game, while statistics show that the game score (2014-04-25, Asm, 529KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] elsyx

俄罗斯游戏 ,有其原理图, 源程序 ,下载hex文件 。
Russia game, there is the principle diagram, the source program, download hex files. (2012-04-02, Asm, 2657KB, 下载4次)


[游戏] lab02

Implement the game Tetris without any operation system (2011-06-02, Asm, 17KB, 下载7次)


[游戏] Tetris

Assembly language implementation of Tetris game with three different difficulty modes, A, D keys to control the direction, S key to transform the box, tab is fast moving in the end the Department (2010-05-03, Asm, 7KB, 下载18次)


[游戏] 24_Points_Game

算24点”作为一种扑克牌智力游戏,游戏内容为从一副牌中抽去大小王2张,任意抽取4张牌(称牌组),用加、减、乘、除(可加括号)把牌面上的数算成24,每张牌必须用一次且只能用一次。我们可以人工计算,当然也可以用计算机来处理。本程序主要是借助计算机利用设计好的算法来计算24点问题。 该24点游戏程序内容主要包括界面显示,自动运算24点以及手动计算24点三部分,采用模块化开发方法,并汇编语言编写程序代码。
Count 24 points " as a mental poker game, a game content license from the King of removing the size 2, 4 samples of arbitrary license (a license that group), with add, subtract, multiply, divide (which can be bracketed ) to the surface of the card count as 24, each card must be used once and only once. We can manually, of course, can also be used to deal with the computer. This procedure is the use of the use of computer algorithms designed to calculate the 24 points. The 24-point games, including the contents of the main screen, automatic operation and manual calculation of 24 points, 24 points, three-part, modular development methodology, and assembly language programming code. (2009-04-12, Asm, 7KB, 下载20次)


[游戏] elsfangkuai

A compilation of a master assembly language used to write the Tetris game (2008-03-03, Asm, 3KB, 下载7次)


[游戏] russiabox

汇编写的类似俄罗斯方块的源代码! 仅供学汇编的朋友学习!
Written in a similar compilation of the source code of the Russian box! Only study compiled by a friend to learn! (2008-01-13, Asm, 17KB, 下载11次)
