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按分类查找All 图形图像处理(1) 
按平台查找All Borland C++(1) 

[图形图像处理] Pic

這是一個圖像處理程式,利用裡面的一個SBITMAP類別加強Graphics::TBitmap類別的使用簡易性,內部的影像處理皆使用此類別,此程式的主要目的是求出 圖像的邊界or字的骨架(自己決定) 再由機械手臂繪出(內有程式解說圖檔)
This is an image processing program, use it to strengthen a SBITMAP category Graphics:: TBitmap categories of the use of simplicity, the internal use of the image processing are in this category, the main purpose of this program is to find the image of the frame border or the words (their decision) is drawn from the mechanical arm (with the program guide image) (2009-08-15, Borland C++, 958KB, 下载52次)
