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[行业发展研究] biyesheji

Micro inertial measurement units, including micro-gyroscopes and micro-accelerometers, MEMS technology is successfully applied in the field of inertial technology. Compared with the traditional inertial devices, MIMU in design, materials and manufacturing are adopting a new, revolutionary technology and methods, it has the unprecedented small size and weight, commercial-grade, low price high reliability and life. MIMU of these features make the inertial measurement technology from the military in the field regardless of cost to market a vast expansion of civil, commercial area. (2012-05-17, Others, 595KB, 下载11次)


[行业发展研究] sift4

:提出一种基于尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)特征匹配的目标跟踪方法.首先使用SIFT提取目标特征,构 建目标特征库,然后使用基于K维树的特征匹配算法,对实时序列图像提取的SIFT特征与特征库中目标进行精确匹配
: Based on Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) feature matching target tracking. The first to use SIFT target feature extraction, feature library building goals, and then use the K-dimensional tree based feature matching algorithm for real-time image sequences extracted SIFT features and characteristics of the target database accurately match (2010-04-09, Others, 258KB, 下载91次)


[行业发展研究] The_Status_Quo_of_Machine_Learning_of_Artificial_I

Machine learning is a subset of the field of Artificial Intelligence,is very active in Artificial Intelligence and a wide range of research in the field of one of the main core, is the key and the bottleneck of a modern intelligent system.Machine Learning has absorbed the results of Artificial Intelligence, Probability and Statistics, Computational Complexity Theory, Cybernetics, Information Theory, Philosophy, Physiology and Neurobiology, and other disciplines.It concerns mainly about how to develop some of technology which can make the computer auto-learning,and through experiences to improve the performance of the system itself.This paper introduces the concept,the basic structure and development of machine learning, and a variety of machine learning methods,including machine learning, inductive learning, learning by analogy, explanation-based learning,based on neural network learning and knowledge discovery, and so on. And briefly descrip the algorithms of machine learning,includin (2009-06-13, Others, 32KB, 下载43次)


[行业发展研究] AI

人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)一直都处于计算机技术的最前沿,经历了几起几落…… 长久以来,人工智能对于普通人来说是那样的可望而不可及,然而它却吸引了无数研究人员为之奉献才智,从美国的麻省理工学院(MIT)、卡内基-梅隆大学(CMU)到IBM公司,再到日本的本田公司、SONY公司以及国内的清华大学、中科院等科研院所,全世界的实验室都在进行着AI技术的实验。不久前,著名导演斯蒂文斯皮尔伯格还将这一主题搬上了银幕,科幻片《人工智能》(A.I.)对许多人的头脑又一次产生了震动,引起了一些人士了解并探索人工智能领域的兴趣。
err (2009-01-06, Others, 10KB, 下载6次)
