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[Linux/Unix编程] cadence_multi-threshold

linux下(fedora版本)的cadence中编译4位全加器的实现, 在不同的阈值电压调解下观察点路的总体power和速度,以及逻辑的正确性. 可能会用到NCSU的FREEPDF工具包
this is a package of three projects, low-vth, high-vth, and optimum architecture vth four bit full adder design. In the environment of Cadence and then simulated in Hspice and linked to VIVA at last we use the nanosim. (2010-05-25, MultiPlatform, 4251KB, 下载12次)


[Linux/Unix编程] els_qt332_vc6

This is a chess game, can be achieved for all the war and the war machine, powerful (2008-12-29, MultiPlatform, 238KB, 下载2次)
