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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(5) 
按平台查找All C++(5) 

[教育系统应用] trojanhacks2024

A revision application made for the Education vertical of TrojanHacks 2024 (2024-04-09, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[教育系统应用] lammps_education_metal_win

lammps education metal win (2024-01-19, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[教育系统应用] collegescoremanagement

高校学籍管理系统:存储和显示功能的实现:利用链表,将数据逐条写入和读出文件; 添加数据:将链表的最后的next指针指向一个新开辟的空间地址,然后将数据最后追加一条信息。 修改数据:先按要求(学号或姓名)查找看看要求信息是否存在,如果找到,让用户输入修改后的信息,如果找不到的话提示用户重新输入。 删除数据:先按要求(学号或姓名)查找看看要求信息是否存在,如果找到,将要删除的数据前面一条的next指向要删掉的这条信息的下一条的地址,然后将此信息的空间释放。如果找不到的话提示用户重新输入。 其他功能的实现:查找,按地址逐个匹配;输入的识别,输入的时候将输进的数据和已有数据进行比较,影响通则提示成功,否则要求重新输入;平均数和及格率,逐项将数据加起来同时将条数累加,然后将平均值和及格率计算出来。
university enrollment management system : storage and display functions to achieve : the use of linked lists, one by one data writing and reading documents; Add data : List of the final next pointer at the opening of a new address space, Final data will then an additional information. Revised data : please requirements (school, or name) you look at the existence of the information required and, if found, for user input to revise the information, if I can not find the words to prompt the user to re-enter. Delete data : please requirements (school, or name) you look at the existence of the information required and, if found, will be deleted data before the next one to delete the reference to this information under one address, then save the space for the release of the information. If they c (2007-05-25, C++, 2KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] StudManage

一个简单的学生管理系统 用c++编写 实现包括填加.删除等基本功能
a simple student management system used to prepare c achieving including the filled. Basic features, such as deleted (2005-07-02, C++, 19KB, 下载17次)


[教育系统应用] 客户管理系统-jsj011-09

This a student service management system (2004-12-17, C++, 127KB, 下载22次)
