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[SQL Server] 327回款率脚本

sdfdgtrytryghfjfghggfdgdg (2018-04-13, SQL, 1KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] SQL-Database

SQL 数据库斯坦福大学教案 全英文授课 内含许多英文专业术语
SQL database lesson plans taught in English at Stanford University contains many technical terms in English (2014-03-31, SQL, 2019KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] 123456

Use the SQL language of the realization of the sofa guest database system, including documents and SQL source code (2012-07-16, SQL, 80KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] Transact-SQL

Teaching e-book Transact-SQL 對使用 Microsoft® SQL Server™ 非常重要。與 SQL Server 通訊的所有應用程序都通過向服務器發送 Transact-SQL 語句來進行通訊
Teaching e-book Transact-SQL Microsoft ® SQL Server ™ is very important. All applications to communicate with SQL Server through Transact-SQL statements to the server to send communications (2012-05-05, SQL, 1068KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] zhps_Create_time_by_day_dimension

auto create time dimension (2011-12-31, SQL, 1KB, 下载8次)


[SQL Server] K3BillDisplayFieldAdjust

K3单据界面显示字段调整: 1、去掉单界面显示字段的空格,若为必录字段加缀“(*)”显示 2、调整后,不影响查询及套打 3、适用于 K3 及 KisPro
K3 document interface to adjust display fields: 1, remove the single interface display field of space, will be recorded if the field is decorated " (*)" display plus 2, adjusted, does not affect the query and Printing With 3, for K3 and KisPro (2011-08-30, SQL, 1KB, 下载24次)


[SQL Server] databasecode

Database 4 experimental code, the database table on the student, plus four experiments in total test report. (2011-06-28, SQL, 386KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] sqlserver

sql server 中sql语句的详细说明加用例,能够更清晰了解sql server
sql server sql statement in detail Minga use cases, to more clearly understand the sql server (2010-10-09, SQL, 506KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] SQL

其中是3维导游员的录音数据库 其中包含 礼貌用语的录音 地点询问的录音
sql to display the guider (2010-08-04, SQL, 988KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] twitter

twitter可以看成是一种微博客,其基本结构由发布者和跟随者组成。设计如下表格: user(uid, uname, rank), 初始时rank=0; follow(idol, fan), 表示fan跟随了idol;message(msg_id, uid, msg_content),存储所有发布的消息,uid是消息发布者的标识。 使用触发器完成如下功能:当往message表中插入新消息后,检索follow表,把该消息发送给它的生成者的fans,当然只要显示“***收到了****消息”即可。 同时使用触发器维护user表中的rank,rank=(用户发布的消息数*该用户的fans数量)/100,当然你可以给出更精确的定义。
twitter can be seen as a micro blog, its basic structure from the publisher and the composition of the follower. Design the form as follows: user (uid, uname, rank), initially rank = 0 follow (idol, fan), said the fan following of the idol message (msg_id, uid, msg_content), store all the news published, uid is the message publisher identity. Use the trigger to complete the following functions: When the message table to insert new messages, the search follow the table, to the message sent to it the formation of those fans, of course, as long as the display "******* received the message" can . Also use triggers to maintain user in the table rank, rank = (number of users to publish news of the fans* The number of users)/100, of course, you can give a more precise definition. (2010-06-13, SQL, 1KB, 下载26次)


[SQL Server] c

作SQL增、删、改操作: (1) 删除学生SHANWANG的记录。 (2) 删除计算机系全体同学选课的记录。 (3) 插入一个选课记录:(010903,C134,4) (4) 将数学系的学生年龄均加1岁。 (5) 将数学系的学生年龄全置20。 作SQL视图定义并作视图操作将结果显示打印: (6) 定义一个计算机系学生姓名、修读课程名及其成绩的视图S_SC_C。 (7) 在视图S_SC_C上作查询: 1) 修读课程名为:“DATABASE”的学生姓名及其成绩。 2) 学生‘MINGWU’所修读的课程名及其成绩。 (8)定义一个年龄大于18岁的学生学号、姓名、系别及年龄的视图SW。
sql (2009-12-29, SQL, 144KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] xkxt

选课系统 不可多得的好东西 代码加数据库
Elective system rare good things code plus database (2008-05-15, SQL, 397KB, 下载21次)
