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按分类查找All 其他智力游戏(2) 
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[其他智力游戏] Tetris_CS

基于SQL的俄罗斯方块设计 实现了开始 难度选择 成绩查询等功能
Based on SQL tetris design Realize the start difficulty scores query choice etc. Function (2011-11-16, SQL, 52KB, 下载2次)


[其他智力游戏] YYGames

六款游戏源码,游戏名称如下 YYTetris - 七彩俄罗斯方块 ( a Tetris game ) YYPiano - 趣味钢琴 ( a music game ) YYFly - 打苍蝇 ( kill flies ) YYMatch - 连连看 ( a Match It game ) YYArena - 星际竞技场 ( Star Arena: a STG game ) YYSnake - 贪吃蛇 ( a Snake game )
Six games source code, the name of the game are as follows YYTetris- Colorful Tetris (a Tetris game) YYPiano- Fun Piano (a music game) YYFly- Da Cangying (kill flies) YYMatch- Lianliankan (a Match It game) YYArena- Star Arena (Star Arena: a STG game) YYSnake- Snake (a Snake game) (2009-10-19, SQL, 2381KB, 下载11次)
