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[通讯编程] doa_signal

低信噪比条件下的高分辨DOA估计算法,提出一种基于多级维纳滤波器(MSWF)的信号波达方向(DOA)估计算法。通过测试信号子空间的估计值与噪声子空间的正交性实 现 DOA粗估计,通过测试MSWF 分解的互相关函数实现信号 DOA 的精估计。仿真实验表明,在低信噪比条件下,该算法比已有的子空 间类算法有更好的分辨率和误差性能。
Put forward a kind of multistage Wiener filter (MSWF) based on the signal direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm. By testing the orthogonality between the estimated values of the signal subspace and the noise subspace Now DOA coarse estimation, by testing the MSWF decomposition of the cross-correlation function to achieve accurate estimation of signal DOA. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than the existing subspace in low SNR conditions The inter class algorithm has better resolution and error performance. (2017-02-21, PDF, 509KB, 下载17次)


[通讯编程] Rayleigh-fading-channel

Rayleigh flat fading channel model, and joined the Rice channel model is improved. Simulation of small scale fading channel, and the Clarke model are compared (2015-04-08, PDF, 1171KB, 下载10次)


[通讯编程] Analysis-of-Low-Complexity

OFDM systems MMSE channel low-complexity algorithm based on windowed DFT estimates (2014-08-24, PDF, 307KB, 下载12次)


[通讯编程] signal-and-systems

信号与系统 奥本海姆 第二版中文版 信号与系统入门书籍,介绍了连续信号离散信号的基本性质以及傅里叶变换拉普拉斯变换z变换等有用的工具 翻译错误较少。
Signals and Systems Oppenheim Chinese version of the second edition of Introduction to Signals and Systems books, describes the continuous signal and discrete signals, the Fourier transform of the basic nature of the z-transform Laplace transform useful tools such as translation errors less. (2011-10-18, PDF, 14591KB, 下载8次)


[通讯编程] pilotbasedchannelestimatininOFDMsystems

Different pilot density in frequency domain channel estimate to research, and its high and low delay channel estimation channel was fixed allocation of time-domain pilot. Frequency domain channel estimation is based on interpolation, polynomial generalized linear model (or least squares) and the Wiener filter (or linear minimum mean square error method) method. Time domain channel estimation is done using linear interpolation. We are by measuring the scattering model based on Clark and Rayleigh fading channels with QPSK modulation bit error rate of crude, has compared the results of all these programs. (2010-06-23, PDF, 2447KB, 下载55次)


[通讯编程] Two-dimentional_pilot-symbol-aided_channel_estimat

OFDM channel estimation Wiener filter algorithm detailed description can be used as a simulation guidance. (2009-12-02, PDF, 375KB, 下载100次)


[通讯编程] A-BER-MODEL-FOR-Turbo-Code-On-AWGN-Channel

AWGN信道下Turbo码误比特率模型 在实验基础上,通过曲线拟合等数学工具,得到加性高斯白噪声信道条件下,信道编码采用turbo码,通信系统端到端的误比特率经验模型。
AWGN channel Turbo code bit error rate model in an experimental basis, through curve fitting and other mathematical tools, to be additive white Gaussian noise channel conditions, channel coding using turbo codes, end-to-end communication system bit error rate empirical model. (2008-01-12, PDF, 382KB, 下载283次)


[通讯编程] zhguo5

微软亚洲研究院论文:OFDM/SDMA 中的2维信道估计
Microsoft Asia Research Institute thesis : OFDM/SDMA of two-dimensional channel estimation (2004-08-13, PDF, 101KB, 下载92次)
