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[语音合成] paper4

Sine plus noise model-based speaker conversion method. Pdf (2012-08-19, PDF, 367KB, 下载5次)


[语音合成] Pattern-Recognition

"Pattern Classification" (the original book version 2) has been Carnegie- Mellon, Harvard, Stanford and Cambridge, more than 120 universities use for teaching purposes. Book as popular and classic textbooks and professional reference books, mainly for electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics and statistics, media processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences graduate student and related fields IT staff. (2011-08-29, PDF, 7483KB, 下载19次)


[语音合成] BCS-for-phonetic-classification

Bayesian compressed sensing in a speech recognition application method on (2011-06-15, PDF, 103KB, 下载32次)


[语音合成] endpoint_detection

Noise environment endpoint detection in speech signal analysis and identification play an important role. Wen will be fractal theory of fractal box dimension in mind applied to the endpoint detection algorithm, using case based on fractal dimension and short-term in mind can be nil to a combination of endpoint detection algorithm to the fractal box dimension in mind as the main sentence conditions, and decision threshold setting on the use of adaptive mechanisms. (2010-02-12, PDF, 871KB, 下载28次)


[语音合成] short-termstudyofthespeechenhancement

Based on the short-time spectral estimation of speech enhancement research, including spectral subtraction, Wiener filter and the MMSE introduction in great detail. (2009-06-04, PDF, 446KB, 下载81次)
