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按分类查找All 电子书籍(3) 
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[电子书籍] 老男孩linux运维课程笔记

Old boy Linux operation and maintenance notes, HD version; practical and valuable! Very helpful for linux operation and maintenance (2020-03-01, LINUX, 4645KB, 下载1次)


[电子书籍] LinuxProbe

作者简介 刘遄(Liu Chuán),计算机信息技术方向教育学硕士,LinuxProbe 网站创始人兼核心讲师,在高中时期便因兴趣的驱使而较早地接触 Linux 系统并开始学习运维技术。刘遄老师于 2012 ~ 2015 年期间分别获得红帽 RHCE 工程师认证以及 RHCA 架构师顶级认证。多年以来,一直从事 Linux 运维技术和红帽认证课程的培训工作,当前是国内开源行业颇具影响力的技术型大 V。
Author brief introduction Liu Chun, Master of Education in Computer Information Technology, founder and core lecturer of Linux Probe website, came into contact with Linux system earlier and began to learn operation and maintenance technology in high school because of his interest. From 2012 to 2015, Mr. Liu was certified as Red Hat RHCE engineer and RHCA architect. Over the years, has been engaged in Linux operation and maintenance technology and Red Hat certification course training, is currently the domestic open source industry has a considerable influence on the technology of large V. (2018-12-14, LINUX, 15787KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] max-rpm

MAX-RPM应用详解 讲述Linux下的加解压打包工具
MAX-RPM applies the detailed solution to narrate under the Linux Canadian decompression to pack the tool (2004-07-05, LINUX, 1516KB, 下载16次)
