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[DSP编程] TMS320DM647DM648DMA-(EDMA3)-note

《TMS320DM647DM648 DSP Enhanced DMA (EDMA3) Controller User s Guide》 学习笔记
《TMS320DM647DM648 DSP Enhanced DMA (EDMA3) Controller User s Guide》 notes (2014-03-18, WORD, 1635KB, 下载11次)


[DSP编程] 3D-MEMS-Accelerometer

A novel three-dimensional MEMS accelerometer performance characteristics and working principles are studied. For the features of the accelerometer output interface , a data acquisition system is designed based on digital signal processing (DSP) chip, to realize the accelerometer signal high-speed real-time acquisition. The use of multi-channel buffered serial port MCBSP is to achieve SPI bus (mode of) data collection, and the real-time data transmission and storage is achieved by the use of two DMA controllers .Based on the design of DSP data acquisition system, the collected data are processed, the partial values of the stability and output repeatability of the accelerometer at a certain temperature are analyzed, and the performance of accelerometers are assessed. (2011-10-19, WORD, 77KB, 下载32次)


[DSP编程] TMS320F2833X2823X-header

TI提供的SPR530(C2833x/C2823x C/C++ 头文件和外设示例)使我们非常方便的使用2833X和2823X的外设。下面就它定义的函数加一个说明
TI provides the SPR530 (C2833x/C2823x C/C++ header files and peripheral examples) gives us very convenient to use 2833X and 2823X peripherals. Here it defines the function to add a description (2011-10-11, WORD, 19KB, 下载14次)


[DSP编程] dsp-mutiple

完成矩阵A*B+C*D ? 其中:A, B, C和D矩阵都是六维矩阵 ? 要求有汇编语言和C语言两种算法编写 ? 要求有子程序的调用
Complete the matrix A* B+ C* D ? One: A, B, C and D matrices are six-dimensional matrix ? requires assembly language and C language written two algorithms require a subroutine call ? (2011-06-29, WORD, 36KB, 下载3次)



现代信号处理,word 版本的,电子书系列,具体相关信号分析,傅里叶,维纳,cohen类和小波等基础知识
Modern signal processing, word version, e-book series, specifically related to signal analysis, Fourier, Wiener, cohen basic knowledge such as class and wavelet (2010-11-01, WORD, 4387KB, 下载25次)


[DSP编程] weinasuanfa

DSP algorithm to the Wiener noise, very good reference. (2010-01-28, WORD, 1110KB, 下载9次)


[DSP编程] wendukongzhisheji

本文是以數位訊號處理器DSP(Digital Singal Processor)之核心架構為主體的數位式溫度控制器開發,而其主要分為硬體電路與軟體程式兩部分來完成。而就硬體電路來看分為量測電路模組、DSP周邊電路及RS232通訊模組、輸出模組三個部分,其中在輸出上可分為電流輸出、電壓輸出以及binary command給加熱驅動裝置, RS232 除了可以與PC聯絡外也可以與具有CPU的熱能驅動器做命令傳輸。在計畫中分析現有工業用加熱驅動裝置和溫度曲線的關係,並瞭解其控制情況。軟體方面即是溫控器之中央處理器程式,亦即DSP控制程式,其中包括控制理論、感測器線性轉換程式、I/O介面及通訊協定相關程式。在控制法則上,提出一個新的加熱體描述模型,然後以前饋控制為主並輔以PID控制,得到不錯的控制結果。
err (2009-01-07, WORD, 403KB, 下载8次)


[DSP编程] ch2-pinlvfenxiyuxitongjiegou

唐向宏 编著《数字信号处理》教程书稿word版,第2章 离散系统的频率分析与系统结构
Tang Xianghong series of Digital Signal Processing Tutorial word manuscript version of Chapter 2 the frequency of discrete-time systems analysis and system architecture (2006-11-19, WORD, 1062KB, 下载39次)
