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[数值算法/人工智能] 38253

美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM),是唯一的国际性数学建模竞赛,也是世界范围内最具影响力的数学建模竞赛,为现今各类数学建模竞赛之鼻祖。MCM/ICM 是 Mathematical Contest In Modeling 和 Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling 的缩写,即 数学建模竞赛 和 交叉学科建模竞赛 。MCM 始于 1985 年,ICM 始于 2000 年,由 COMAP(the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application,美国数学及其应用联合会)主办,得到了 SIAM,NSA,INFORMS 等多个组织的赞助。MCM/ICM 着重强调研究问题、解决方案的原创性、团队合作、交流以及结果的合理性。2014年,共有来自美国、中国、加拿大、芬兰、英国、澳大利亚等19个国家和地区共7783支队伍参加,其中包括来自哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学、西点军校、麻省理工学院、清华大学、北京大学、北京航空航天大学、浙江大学、南开大学、上海交通大学、华中科技大学,南京大学等国际知名高校学生参与此项赛事角逐。 本作品是2015年MCM中A题“根除或者遏制埃博拉”的赛题,贡享资源,希望多大家有用!更多资源敬请关注http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_3902127067_0_1.html
PROBLEM A: Eradicating Ebola The world medical association has announced that their new medication could stop Ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced. Build a realistic, sensible, and useful model that considers not only the spread of the disease, the quantity of the medicine needed, possible feasible delivery systems, locations of delivery, speed of manufacturing of the vaccine or drug, but also any other critical factors your team considers necessary as part of the model to optimize the eradication of Ebola, or at least its current strain. In addition to your modeling approach for the contest, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical letter for the world medical association to use in their announcement. (2016-01-04, WORD, 358KB, 下载4次)


[数值算法/人工智能] classificiation-algorithm-overview

机器学习领域经典分类算法综述,包括Decision Tree(ID3、C4.5(C5.0)、CART、PUBLIC、SLIQ和SPRINT算法),三种典型贝叶斯分类器(朴素贝叶斯算法、TAN算法、贝叶斯网络分类器),k-近邻 、 基于数据库技术的分类算法( MIND算法、GAC-RDB算法),基于关联规则(CBA:Classification Based on Association Rule)的分类(Apriori算法),支持向量机分类,基于软计算的分类方法(粗糙集(rough set)、遗传算法、模糊逻辑、人工神经网络算法)。
Classical machine learning classification algorithms overview。 Including Decision Tree (ID3, C4.5 (C5.0), CART, PUBLIC, SLIQ and SPRINT algorithm), three typical Bayesian classifier (Naive Bayes algorithm, TAN algorithm Bayesian network classifiers), k-nearest neighbor based classification algorithm (MIND algorithm, GAC-RDB algorithms) database technology, based on association rules (CBA: classification (Apriori algorithm) Classification Based on Association Rule), and support vector machine classification, classification method based on soft computing (rough sets (rough set), genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, artificial neural network algorithm).... (2014-06-21, WORD, 30KB, 下载41次)


[数值算法/人工智能] multiplier2

Integer multiplication can be achieved by shifting the method increases, the complement for signed data can be Booth algorithm. (2010-09-10, WORD, 195KB, 下载5次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Bayesian

Bayesian classifier algorithm analysis, and use c# to write the text of the document on Bayesian Algorithm (2010-05-17, WORD, 476KB, 下载49次)


[数值算法/人工智能] book2

斯坦福大学在线教程MATHEMATICS OF THE DFT下载和整理版本
Stanford University, online tutorials MATHEMATICS OF THE DFT (2009-07-20, WORD, 1900KB, 下载26次)


[数值算法/人工智能] News_Clustering

「新聞群聚」就是一項需要人力介入的新聞服務,而為了使其更為自動化,我們將文件分群(document clustering)的技術應用在新聞文件上,達到新聞分群(news clustering)的目的。
News Clusters is a need for human intervention in the news service, and to make it more automated, we will document clustering (document clustering) technology used in news papers, to news Grouping (news clustering) purposes. (2007-12-02, WORD, 579KB, 下载10次)
