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[其他] 加速度计和陀螺仪指南

The mathematical model and basic algorithm of accelerometer and gyroscope are introduced (2018-08-19, WORD, 197KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 图像处理经典算法及OpenCV程序

图像处理经典算法及OpenCV程序(基于opencv的use摄像头视频采集程序、基于opencv的use摄像头视频采集程序、基于opencv的两个摄像头数据采集、能激发你用代码做视频的冲动程序、图像反转(就是把黑的变白,白的变黑)、图像格式的转换、从摄像头或者AVI文件中得到视频流,对视频流进行边缘检测 、采用Canny算子进行边缘检测、角点检测、图像的旋转加缩放(效果很拽,用地球做就像谷歌地球似的)。。。。 )
Classical algorithm and OpenCV program for image processing (2018-01-17, WORD, 1643KB, 下载6次)


[其他] Exercise02

数字图像处理练习题,第二章, 冈萨雷斯,第二版
exercise of digital image processing (2017-12-23, WORD, 1590KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 分形维数

fractional dimesion; It introduces an specific example of application (2017-11-29, WORD, 3KB, 下载9次)


[其他] 16960669

Economics is a modern independent discipline, is about economic law of development of science. From 1776 Adam Smith s "the wealth of nations start foundation, modern economics experience for more than 200 years of development, has a macro economics, macroeconomics, political economics, and so many professional direction, and applied to the vertical, guide human wealth accumulation and creation. (2011-12-18, WORD, 2017KB, 下载2次)


[其他] vba

Muskingum small program (channel surface line calculation vba), for Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering review of river water surface (2011-02-02, WORD, 3KB, 下载38次)


[其他] Tesla_turbine

特斯拉涡轮泵制作方法 是传奇科学家尼古拉• 特斯拉的发明,它是一种空气驱动的涡轮机。它的效率比普通的叶片涡轮机高得多。特斯拉曾梦想用它来利用地热发电,成为“我们未来的能源”。遗憾的是,特斯拉涡轮机至今没有大规模的商业应用,因为直到今天的冶金技术还不能满足它的材料需求。
Tesla made turbine pump is legendary scientist Nikola Tesla' s inventions • It is an air-driven turbines. It is more efficient than ordinary turbine blades is much higher. Tesla had a dream to use it to take advantage of geothermal power, as " our future energy." Unfortunately, the Tesla turbine has been no large-scale commercial applications, for as metallurgical technology can not satisfy its material needs. (2010-07-18, WORD, 711KB, 下载28次)


[其他] mydesign.zip

设计要求: 考察知识点:拉普拉斯变换,傅立叶变换。 设计内容: 已知: 设① p1=-2,p2=-30;② p1=-2,p2=3,要求: (1) 针对极点参数①②,画出系统零、极点分布图,判断该系统稳定性。 (2) 针对极点参数①②,绘出系统的脉冲响应曲线,并观察t→∞时,脉冲响应变化趋势。 (3) 针对极点参数①,绘出系统的频响曲线。
Design requirements: To study the knowledge points: Laplace transform, Fourier transform. Design Content: Known: Let ① p1 =- 2, p2 =- 30 ② p1 =- 2, p2 = 3, required: (1) for the pole parameters ① ②, draw system, zero, pole distribution, determine the system stability. (2) for the pole parameters ① ②, Mapping the impulse response curve, and observe the t → ∞, the impulse response trend. (3) for the pole parameters of ①, Mapping the frequency response. (2010-04-08, WORD, 48KB, 下载6次)


[其他] xijingweiguandisanbanjiangyi

西方经济学的演变 边际革命:杰文斯(英国学派)、门格尔(奥地利学派)和瓦尔拉斯(洛桑学派)提出边际效用论。 马歇尔综合:马歇尔将边际效用理论和供求论、节欲论、生产费用论等综合在一起,构成一个折中的分析体系。 三次重大修改和补充: 垄断问题的补充:张伯伦,罗宾逊 凯恩斯理论 序数效用论和一般均衡理论:希克斯
The evolution of Western economics marginal revolution: Jevons (English School), Menger (Austrian School) and Walras (Lausanne School) to marginal utility theory. Comprehensive Marshall: Marshall will be marginal utility theory and the supply and demand theory, abstinence theory, production cost of integrated together, constitute a compromise analysis system. Three major changes and additions: the issue of monopoly in the supplement: Chamberlain, Robinson Keynesian theory of ordinal utility theory and general equilibrium theory: Hicks (2009-01-05, WORD, 675KB, 下载6次)


[其他] calculate

excel做的传统工程量计算表(加入vba后能自动计算、汇总、标注说明) 1、序号根据填入的分部分项名称自动填出1~N的数值。 2、代码栏根据填入的数据自动给出同一分部分项名称序号,为汇总提供方便。 3、项目名称/计算部位栏中书写分部分项名称、计算部位。 4、计算式栏中填入加、减、乘、除、乘方等运算公式,并在计算式中可加入注明(注明要用中括号或大括号,本例中有)。 5、单位栏为分部分项的计量单位,采用下拉菜单选取,点击单位所在的单元格即出现下拉菜单(必须填写,否则不能汇总)。 6、总量为C列同类代码的工程量汇总,系统会自动计算出同类代码的工程量总量,填入同一序号的总量上单元格。 7、工程量汇总表中,只填写1~N的序号,系统会自动将工程量中的分部分项名称、单位、总量填入。 8、因1、2行已被锁住工程名称在工程名称工作表中填入。 9、序号、代码、计算表达式、总量要敲回车键方能计算
err (2008-09-07, WORD, 32KB, 下载7次)
